THE LAW IS AS TRICKY AS A TEN-FOOT SNAKE ... “there are crooks everywhere you look now. The situatio
I am certain this is the ONE and ONLY time that I have had reason to agree with and subscribe with something that the late Daphne Caruana...
For a political party packed with lawyers (I was going to say “eminent lawyers” but then I remembered this would include people like...
THE SHAME OF A NATION – where victims become portrayed as aggressors and proof and astounding allega
There have been some astounding developments over the last two weeks that have shaken the very roots of this nation and threaten to...
CAN THE PN POSSIBLY SINK ANY LOWER – is the melt-down and end of the Nationalist Party as we know it
To state that the Nationalist Party has sunk to its lowest point, its lowest ebb would be the understatement of a Millennium. Quite...
BRAVO! A HAT-TRICK OF DAMAGING LIES – for which you are heaped with honours, gain awards and some ga
“Expressing “serious concerns” about the malicious misuse of comment boards, Magistrate Depasquale pointed out that these were being used...
MY REFLECTIONS ON THE IRONY OF LIFE – work hard, help your community, your neighbour, your country …
I do not think I am the first person to write that there is no justice in life; that life is unfair. Some two weeks ago a friend and a...
BIG SHARKS BITE BACK – go for the small fish because they are vulnerable and defenceless – the ways
Consider bullies and the dirty and cowardly act of bullying. School bullies do not tackle children older than themselves or those more...
WANT TO STEAL AND OWN A PUBLIC MONUMENT OR BUILDING? It’s called Civil Society and is part of your H
I think it is only fair to warn the people of Malta and Gozo that I am drawing up plans to steal and own a number of public monuments and...
RACISM OR PLAIN COMMONSENSE – the despicable dishonesty of trying to make political gain by twisting
We Maltese are experts in confusion, particularly jumbling up a whole series of events and then drawing conclusions to suit one’s view...
DEVELOP THE ART OF TELLING LIES – being truthful is no longer permitted by society
The era of instant communication has plunged the world into its deepest chasm of trite in the annals of history. If somebody writes,...