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CAN THE PN POSSIBLY SINK ANY LOWER – is the melt-down and end of the Nationalist Party as we know it

To state that the Nationalist Party has sunk to its lowest point, its lowest ebb would be the understatement of a Millennium.

Quite simply it is in a disastrous situation with not even the faintest hope of recovery because of the bottomless pit it has sunk into, a pit of division, intrigue, back-stabbing, horrendous publicity and is being manoeuvred by people whose reputation has reached rock bottom.

Consider its current state:

  • Opinion polls currently place it at a disadvantage of 100,000 votes and this, following two successive catastrophic General Election results under the disastrous and discredited leadership of Simon Busuttil;

It has weak and puerile leadership because the “new way” and the “new start” that Adrian Delia envisaged has simply fallen apart – not demolished by his political “opponents” i.e. the Labour Party, but by his so-called PN “colleagues” and “friends”;

  • Despite his total and dismal failure at the polls and now further demolished by the Egrant debacle, Busuttil simply cannot stomach losing the reins of power and has sown division within the PN with his group of internal followers taking every opportunity to weaken Adrian Delia;

The reputations of PN Members of Parliament like Jason Azzopardi and Karol Aquilina, to name just two, have been falling lower and lower;

  • The PN is deeply in debt with little hope of recovery;

Atrocious attempts to gain political advantage through the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia have created further divisions as day-by-day her reputation of being some sort of “freedom” journalist continues to crumble following the Egrant compilation of false documents and forged signatures, followed by the Daphne Report attempted frame-up of Minister Chris Cardona and now a further debacle over Keith Schembri and Brian Tonna;

  • David Casa, who heads the PN EU Parliament group had already courted deep resentment for himself and his colleague Roberta Metsola with their continual attempts to damage Malta and its economy and Casa is now facing allegations of being a former cocaine junkie and further allegations of financial misappropriation;

Pierre Portelli heads the PN news network and is known to be a mentor of Adrian Delia. His reputation took an enormous plunge following the Egrant Report and has now reached rock bottom following the Court’s Panama Papers verdict that although a newspaper report had been originated by a Blog by DCG, HSBC Bank had clearly authenticated the allegations were based on a mistaken document and although fully aware of this, Portelli went ahead and printed it anyway in an attempt to damage Schembri and Tonna.

  • The spectre of Daphne Caruana Galizia continues to hover over the PN and continues to damage it, even though it is clearly evident that her scribbles were largely instrumental for two catastrophic debacles at the polls and the decline and fall of the PN’s standing in the public eye.

Can the picture be any bleaker for a party that is aspiring to be an alternative Government? The situation is disgracefully shameful and must surely place the PN at a point where it is about to melt into total disintegration – if it has not already done so.


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