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THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT ... Time to come down to reality with a bump

This has been getting on my nerves for a number of weeks now so I have to get it off my chest. Using language that Dr Andrew Borg Cardona is well versed in and apparently largely rests on his mind and mentality - it’s been getting on my tits, and the solution is to get rid of it.

There is an ongoing Public Inquiry into “the circumstances leading to the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia”, some interpreting this further on “whether it could have been prevented”. The Inquiry was established after continuous pressure by the Caruana Galizia family and in a kind and polite gesture acceded to by former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.

In my opinion this is one of the most useless, futile and time and money wasting Public Inquiries ever held, and these are my reasons why and additionally why no such time and money wasting event should have been created.


Did Daphne Caruana Galizia hurt and malign many people? YES.

Did this hurting and maligning of many people, including revealing their private illnesses, casting insinuations that led to discomforting pressures on their families, creating aspersions that fomented hate and were not always truthful, lead to her being hated by many people? YES.

Was it right that this should conceivably have led to her murder? NO – murder cannot EVER be justified.


Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered. Could this have been prevented? NO.

In today’s circumstances, a determined expert marksman could have shot her dead from a distance of 1,500 metres even if she was permanently surrounded by a whole platoon of Policemen and soldiers, even if her residence was surrounded by the Great Wall of China, even if she had taken up residence in an army barracks or Police HQ.

To even consider it could have been prevented through a continual Police presence around her residence and around her movements is the most stupid consideration ever.

US Presidents have been assassinated as well as Dictators, Politicians (Aldo Moro), Judges, Magistrates (Italian Mafia work), Military Commanders. Religious Leaders (there is even a question mark still hanging over the possibility that during the last decades a Roman Catholic Pope was poisoned to death!), notorious criminals and a continuous endless list of individuals.

No doubt, many of these had maximum security around them. It still did not prevent their assassination.

Today, the only possible security solution would be to be put in a space capsule and launched into outer space – and that still would not be a 100% guarantee!

Let’s be realistic, truthful and straight-forward, certain people in certain positions are always at risk. Other people create risk on themselves. THAT DOES NOT IN ANY WAY JUSTIFY the final brutal act, but truth is truth and only the dumbest would think otherwise.

The ongoing Public Inquiry is, always in my opinion – and in the interests of FREE SPEECH and FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION (excuses that Repubblika/Andrew Borg Cardona et al love to roll out to cushion their total outbursts of hate) – simply a witch-hunt inundated with irrelevancies as to what A said to B and then C said to D when he met E and on and on, leading from nowhere to … nowhere.

The aim of the Caruana Galizia legal counsel is to “out” the fact that some people hated DCG and her journalism and therefore may have had reason to retaliate. With all the OBVIOUS facts in hand, a baboon would have reached that conclusion long ago.

The bottom line is that three persons have been arraigned and charged with her murder; a “middleman” has alleged the mandate; the alleged “mandate” is under arrest and undergoing legal procedures.

All the rest is totally irrelevant.


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