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Yesterday, “The Sunday Times of Malta” wrote “Improved emergency response services have seen a general drop in homicides”. On the same day Adrian Delia faced his usual audience of a handful of people and he tried to impress them with a load of bombastic words and allegations that are obviously and outstandingly untrue (sic - this is a polite word for lies).

According to Delia, the country is shaking in fear of criminality because the Police are hopeless and the Police Commissioner is nationally unwanted. Delia said old people are locking themselves in their homes and parents are afraid to let their children go out – very much the same allegations that Simon Busuttil made before he was kicked out of his pantomime role as PN Leader.

Naturally, all the facts are totally to the contrary. Malta is one of the safest and most secure places in Europe, indeed the world. Crowds flock everywhere (i.e. yesterday’s Malta Marathon and crowd visits to the Tarxien Temples) and everywhere the atmosphere is relaxed and far from Delia’s allegations.

Investigations into the murder of DCG were conducted in record time and those accused are in Court undergoing compilation. Record drug busts are regular and throughout there is greater Police awareness and alertness.

Yet, Delia’s audiences stand and clap because nobody has the guts to tell him “WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO FEED US ALL THIS BULLSHIT – DO YOU THINK WE ARE THAT STUPID?”

Quite obviously these audiences fail the David Stellini Standard Test because according to this Nationalist Party MP if you earn less that €50,000 a year you simply cannot be up to standard to appreciate quality, the environment etc.

Hence, Stellini concluded, this is the reason why Labour is in power because it is being maintained by the great majority of idiots who do not have standards because they do not earn enough.

Little wonder the Nationalist Party is melting down the toilet tubes by the minute. The picture shows the Stellini – Busuttil duo of idiots.

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I wish you all a good day and urge you to keep smiling.


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P.S. I am working to launch My Blog on the Web as

However, it is still early days. Watch this space.

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