THE SHAME OF A NATION – where victims become portrayed as aggressors and proof and astounding allega
There have been some astounding developments over the last two weeks that have shaken the very roots of this nation and threaten to tarnish its credibility.
Two weeks ago the country awoke to astounding allegations that one of its Euro MPs, a man who has striven hard to tarnish the country’s reputation in international eyes, is a former user of cocaine, followed by further reports of financial inappropriateness.
The man concerned, David Casa, has been dismissing and laughing off the allegations made by a close former aide and now a whistleblower, who made the allegations UNDER OATH. Casa claims this is a “ploy” contrived against him to try and prevent him from “helping” the country to “become clean”.
Has David Casa taken any legal steps over these extremely serious allegations? None todate. Has his PN’s senior executive taken any steps required by Good Governance (under the leadership of no less a person than the Party Leader himself) – none todate.
A few days ago the PN’s news and PR Executive Pierre Portelli was strongly chastised and severely fined by a Court ruling that he had published information in a newspaper which he knew was unfounded and had done so merely to try and make political gain.
Earlier Portelli had also been involved in connection with false documentation used by the late Daphne Caruana Galizia to bolster an Egrant frame-up. The newspaper unfounded news item also knew its origins from Caruana Galizia.
Has Portelli been chastised, or dismissed? Not todate – and thus another example of “Good Governance”?
For a Party aware of these developments not to take any corrective initiative is tantamount to sanctioning them in a display of a “well so what – life must go on” attitude.
Many years ago a British newspaper wrote the best test for the credibility of a politician was the question “would you buy a second-hand car from this person”?
Hands up all those who would buy a second-hand car from David Casa, or Pierre Portelli?
A further development has been the total ineptness and economic grasp of its Leader, Adrian Delia. According to him – while making disgraceful xenophobic use for populist reasons – alleging that a perceived positive economy is due to the country’s population inflation by foreigners.
In other words, the larger the population the more affluent the country becomes. However, figures show that the most populated countries in the world i.e. India, Pakistan, Indonesia, The Philippines and China have among the largest sectors of poverty and do their utmost to prevent further birth inflation.
Yet, despite all this catalogue of shame, in my understanding the greatest shame has been the continued perpetuation of the twisting of Justice and the Rule of Law by what has become a modern and ongoing trend whereby the Rule of Law is vulgarly twisted to make the victim appear to be the one at fault and therefore becomes the aggressor – or otherwise justifies the aggression of the aggressor.
These are two newspaper headines that caught my eye yesterday:
“I can talk, but the moment you try to speak I will shut you up! That is Simon Schembri “ – lawyer
The Malta Independent, Monday, 29th October, 2018
“Liam Debono's lawyer says Simon Schembri 'stepped in front of Xarabank interview just like he stepped in front of the car'
Malta Today, Monday, 29th October, 2018
In my mind these convey TWO distinct impressions:
The person mentioned is a dictator; he can talk as much as he likes but the moment you try to talk, he will shut you up;
The person mentioned likes to interfere and just as he had no business to step in front of the car, he had no business to step out and stop the interview in that shameful programme Xarabank.
Just to remind you that “the person” mentioned is a Policeman who almost lost his life and has remained heavily handicapped during the course of his duty.
It’s as if I am a Policeman carrying out my beat patrol in Hamrun High Street at 9pm one evening I get attacked and badly beaten almost to the point of death and remain heavily handicapped.
Then a bright lawyer in Court comes out with the theory the incident was really my fault because I had no business to be patrolling Hamrun High Street at 9pm in the evening.
Shameful, disgraceful and disgusting.