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THE LAW IS AS TRICKY AS A TEN-FOOT SNAKE ... “there are crooks everywhere you look now. The situatio

I am certain this is the ONE and ONLY time that I have had reason to agree with and subscribe with something that the late Daphne Caruana Galizia wrote.

Let’s face it, her record of writing the truth, the whole truth and nothing but, is not exactly impeccable and I state this mildly in a sense of respect for the departed.

Earlier this week a dear friend of mine and a former office colleague sent me a saying “The Law is as tricky as a ten-foot snake” and asked me how I interpreted the meaning.

My response was quick and precise – “This is what the PN are doing all the time!”

Let me explain. The Law is lengthy and tricky with lots of twists and turns, just as a lengthy snake slides, squirms, twists, coils and turns to satisfy it gets what it wants. That is precisely the PN Opposition that we have in this country – together with all the added parallels such as “a snake in the grass”, “as slippery as a snake”, “a snake with forked tongue” etc.

Added to this, sprang the phrase that DCG wrote – “there are crooks everywhere you look now. The situation is desperate” – combine the two and you have the Nationalist Party as it stands today.

Take the current Leader Adrian Delia, charged by Caruana Galizia herself with allegedly having thrived on the proceeds of a Greek Street, Soho, London, brothel, and of having used Channel Island banks to “launder” dubious income.

Take David Casa, charged by a former close aide of being a former cocaine addict and trafficker and further alleged to have misappropriated EU funds for MEPS and their staff.

Take former Leader Simon Busuttil who made Egrant an electoral platform and caused a General Election on the platform that later resulted in a Magisterial report that Egrant was based on forged documents and falsified signatures – yet, and yet – Busuttil continuing to ignore the excellent-standing of the Magistrate and continuing to insist that Egrant belongs to the Prime Minister.

All these have at some time or other combined together to damage Malta, their own country mind you, by manipulating the death of Caruana Galizia to their own personal and political gratification and using her as a tool to try and damage Malta financially, economically and politically. In doing so they have roped in a dubious crowd of foreign MEPs to attack and harm Malta continually, as if Malta is the centre of international Mafia operations and every Government representative and sympathiser is a crook.

Last but by no means least, the fake Civil Society and Occupy Justice crowd going out of their way to slander and vilify Malta’s institutions and its Police Force in every conceivable manner and continuing to defy the Law and the country by continuing to heap rubbish on a national monument.

Their ploy is so stupidly transparent it encapsulates their own stupidity. By provoking, goading, insulting and inciting they are simply thirsting for the authorities to step in and arrest one of their mob and then profit by the reaction.

And what would be the reaction? Within minutes the international social media and electronic news media would be booming with stories of “Malta arresting Activists”, “Malta closing down Democracy”, “Malta clamping down on freedom and liberty” ... and all that nonsense.

Yes indeed, the Law is as tricky as a Ten Foot Snake and to boot the situation is desperate and filled with crooks everywhere you look – within the PN.



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