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We had three classes – High Class, Middle Class and Working Class; today we have three different cla

In my boyhood – many years ago mind you – we had three distinct and separate classes. At the top was high class, that is the noble, the rich, the privileged, priests etc.

Then there was the middle class with sub-sections of upper and lower, topped by lawyers, notaries and the like, clerks, shop owners, bank employees and those who could claim advanced literacy.

Propping all these up were the poor working class; everybody’s victims, not calculated and worthless except to be used for hard work and when needed, to be swept into the armed forces to “fight for the country”.

Today, these three sectors have been swept away to be replaced by three distinct others.

At the top there is the knowledgeable and competent persons who can understand Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (IA), Cryptocurrencies and the like. These have, and will become, the leaders of today’s and the future world.

After them come the money-makers, developers and exploiters. Using the technology that filters down from the top, they wheel and deal, manipulate and persuade – and they make money. Their tactics are to impress with bullshit about “exciting new developments”, “changing your way of life”, “putting you in control of your destiny”, “making things better for you” and other similar nonsense.

At the bottom of the pile come the riff-raff, those that find it hard to grasp technology, those that grasp technology but have no power or sway over what others dictate and have to abide by it, those that are viewed to be “clients” but are in fact just there to be used and manipulated.

I have given this a lot of thought and count myself among the “riff raff”, based on matters I am experiencing on a daily basis.

Let me take the case of HSBC in Malta. I am a “valued client” and everything is “being done” to “enhance” my situation.

During the last week, this has included HSBC removing most ATMs from my area. I have a Credit and a Debit Card. I tried to use my Advanced Credit Card and the HSBC ATM said “not valid”. Minutes later I went to a retail outlet, used the same card and it was accepted and shortly after another retail outlet – again accepted!

Last Sunday, I tried to input a cheque for €1,000 into my current account. The ONLY HSBC ATM left in Bugibba said “OUT OF ORDER”. A couple of days later I tried again at the same ATM. Again, it was “OUT OF ORDER”. Yesterday I went to the ATM adjacent to the HSBC branch in St Paul’s Bay. The cheque was rejected and the ATM said “CARD NOT VALID”.

I tried to contact the HSBC helpline and after holding on for a full 30 minutes because “all the lines are busy”, I gave up.

I sent emails – useless waste of time.

Yet, and yet, I receive emails from HSBC telling me of “exciting new developments” and how internet banking is going to solve all my problems and other such bullshit. Meanwhile HSBC CEO Mr BEANE – a truly MR BEAN – announces the imminent closure of the St Paul’s Bay branch and eight other branches to “upgrade” the service they are providing.

Now, how about GO plc? Packages flow out every minute and all advertising blurb describes “Internet speed”, the “best in Malta”, the “best in the world” etc. My internet service at Bugibba/Qawra makes you weep, despite my having fibre-optic. A GO technician recently told me the internet service in my area is “atrocious” because all the installations are outdated and have not been replaced.

To further “enhance” their service, GO has withdrawn email facilities and they have done this to provide me “with a better service”.

Melita – they are very much in the same straits. I switch on my television to watch, for example, PBS and a notice instantly comes up saying I have not paid to be able to see this channel, as happens to other channels too. After a few seconds it regularises. Melita have been tackling this for months – and it has remained the same.

On and on it goes. Everybody has their Facebook and Internet site. Everybody invites you to “contact them” – and nothing happens ... that is unless you use threatening language, like saying I am going to post my complaint on Facebook!

Yes, these are the classes we have today.

At the top we have the Artificial Intelligence Brigade confusing us with technology; in the middle we have The Money-makers Brigade using AI to manipulate us; at the bottom we are the riff-raff, take it or leave it, you have no choice, do as you are told or otherwise, shut up, grin and bear it.


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