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A world of idiots always on the increase - the protesting immigrants are causing wholesale damage to

What a world of contrasts we live in – largely defined by the growing numbers of idiots that abound in it.

Within the space of a few recent days we have covered the spectrum of extremes.

The Provincial of an Order of Friars nonchalantly stood by as hundreds of precious and priceless books and manuscripts were roughly manhandled, thus making him culpable of aiding and abetting such destruction, and then he tried to pass the whole thing off with a laughable “hold on to your knickers boys and don’t panic – this was just one of the things that can happen. No real damage was done”.

Simultaneously, up to yesterday, groups of frustrated immigrants in detention centres were creating havoc and complaining they were being deprived of freedom, of not being fed properly, of not having adequate accommodation and the like. Apparently they stopped yesterday to pay tribute to Allah at the appropriate prayer time.

Perhaps the Imam may care to explain to them they are there “Inshallah” – as God wills it and thus honour their religious creed. Just “one of those things” boys.

I do not propose to feature the Provincial – his own conscience will enlighten him and The Curia hierarchy will make its own judgement.

The immigrants however are another kettle of fish. Let me give them a brief insight.

Malta is a small island with a population that is a drop in the ocean compared to the rest of the world, a snowflake in the Arctic. However, to each his own and in our own vision as Little Islanders, we are overcrowded, over-populated and being abused of and upon.

This is often charged to be “racism” and “xenophobism” and yes, there may be a small percentage holding such views. BUT, Little Islands are like Little Places – insular and suspicious. Take a small village anywhere in the world. When the Big Boys from the Big Towns begin to move in, buying up properties, taking up space, taking up jobs, the villagers take great umbrage and begin to show great resentment because “things have changed and this is not the world we know”.

That is only natural.

In the Maltese Islands matters have reached a point where if a snap opinion vote poll be held tomorrow asking (a) if we are happy with the numbers of foreigners (immigrants or not) presently here and (b) whether we would welcome more foreigners (immigrants or not), I can GUARANTEE the NO – NO WAY votes will gain at least 85% of the votes.

Our governing administrators are brushing this under the carpet as if it is a mere perception. However, it has to be stated that where immigrant consignments are concerned the authorities are fully abiding by international law – and cannot do otherwise.

Our Opposition administrators are so totally populist transient that when the Government stands firm and refuses to accept immigrant consignments they call the authorities “inhumane” and when the Government accepts it becomes “weak” and is flooding the country with immigrants.

The bottom line is, these immigrant protests are serving for one specific purpose – THEY ARE HARMING THEIR OWN CAUSE AND MAKING THEMSELVES MORE UNPOPULAR. They are also making things more difficult for law-abiding immigrants living peacefully among the community and certainly more difficult for any further incoming immigrants.

The protestors want Freedom – from what to where? Do they have the money to rent decent accommodation or will they sleep in fields and public gardens, or move into a building that is already overflowing with desperate bodies? Do they have the skills (including language) to find a decent job or will then end up as refuse collectors and road sweepers, or construction site victims?

Above all where do they expect to be accommodated in lieu of a detention centre – the Hilton or a Radisson hotel?

Their mentors, translators and supporting NGOs, instead of carping and complaining continually to the authorities, should make these immigrants aware of the damage they are causing to themselves and their cause as well as contributing to propagate further racism.

Enough is enough and that limit was surpassed long ago.


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