Tell lies, lie and lie again, and you end up believing your own lies and believe them to be true
Habitual liars lose all track of reality. One symptom is that of telling so many lies constantly that new lies begin to contradict older lies. One other symptom – as psychiatrists will confirm - is that of liars eventually beginning to believe their own lies as if these are biblical truth.
The bottom line is that liars have no shame and feel no remorse for the lies they tell – no matter how much it may hurt or offend others.
This is a tendency that has become common throughout the Nationalist Party. Mind you, the tendency to tell lies has always been manifest in its ranks, but now it has surpassed all bounds of credibility.
Yesterday yielded another top-line PN resignation, following a string of others. Abandoning a rapidly sinking ship is no new feature either but now matters have reached a point of little hope of return and there are those who feel they can no longer associate themselves with such shameful tactics.
Matters became even more critical this past week when Dr Jason Azzopardi publicised the theory that the Government’s Parliamentary Secretaries were given a substantial rise on the quiet. The allegation was instantly dismissed and a truckful of statistics published to clearly illustrate this was nothing more than a totally baseless allegation.
What is even more surprising is that the current PN Leadership did not issue one single statement to totally disassociate itself from the allegation – even though Dr Azzopardi has no standing at all with the current Leadership and PN Leader Dr Adrian Delia recently announced that anything that Dr Azzopardi says or writes contains no validity and henceforth he will be ignoring him.
However, this PN failure once more shows the total fragility of the PN Leadership, compounded by questions of how money collected in recent fund-raising campaigns seems to be non-existent regardless of the boasting by Clyde Puli and Robert Arrigo that “records were broken”.
These boasts were either lies – or otherwise, where has the cash gone?
And so, once one lie has been fully exhausted, move on to a fresh one.
We have already had a bucketful of lies, ranging from cowardly verbal attacks on the Attorney General and the Police Commissioner, allegations of a lack of Rule of Rule, allegations of corrupt Courts, constant damage by PN MEPs in the EuroParliament, falsified documents and false signatures.
These were topped off a couple of weeks ago by Adrian Delia himself, who after constant PN media attacks on the Government for allowing in more immigrants, he did a massive U-turn and said the Government is inhumane and should absorb all immigrants in need!
Now, matters have branched off in a new line. The Government is removing all trees; the Government has ruined the environment; the Government wants more cars to further pollute the environment and a load of other baseless razzmatazz. Nincompoops have roped themselves to trees, night vigils with candles have been held and all sorts of nonsense written and expressed.
In a further projection, the brunt now is that in its six years the Labour Government has ruined and changed Malta because it is no longer as we knew it 50 and 60 years ago in the old donkey and cart days.
The reality is that 60 years ago my late aunt had a summer residence in Bugibba, a time when you could count the number of buildings in the area on the fingers of two hands and everywhere else was open fields and trees.
Look at Bugibba and Qawra now – all over the last six years?
Where is the Sliema of my boyhood days 60 years ago? Has it been transformed over the last six years?
Look at Spinola. I remember a time when there was only ONE bar in Spinola/Paceville, Dick’s Bar, mainly used by British servicemen. Has Paceville only been invaded over the last six years?
The same may be said for everywhere else.
Lies, lies and more lies and those that write and speak such calumnies actually believe them. Unbelievable!