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The sheer hypocrisy of the Nationalist Party and its Leadership – unbelievable! Now Delia wants to w

When yesterday evening I read the following paragraph on a local news site, I just could NOT believe my eyes. I read and re-read and re-read again. It said:

“Meanwhile in a comment on Facebook, Opposition Leader Adrian Delia said that although Malta is one of the smallest countries in the world it also has a moral obligation to stand up for those most vulnerable. He said the Opposition is urging the Government to enable the landing of these vulnerable persons that are currently stranded at sea on rescue vessels.”

Now, let us put this into context. This Delia has been constantly accused of stirring up racism – particularly colour racism, and particularly that of racism against black people.

Sensing the popular unease of the population at increasing black immigration he has worked his utmost to ride the populism of the resentment, calling the Government “weak”, stating it is being manipulated by other Governments, calling on the Government not to allow more landings and above all, the Government has no policy on immigration – or anything else for that matter!

Virtually every single day, the PN media (i.e.) Net News and “In-Nazzjon”, carry highly critical articles about black people everywhere, about the Government continuing to allow them to land in Malta and - in short – stirring up hatred and racism for all it’s worth in order to ride on popular sentiment and take a stance they are against all this infiltration.

AND NOW SUDDENLY THIS – in what must stand as one of the most massive U-Turns in the history of Maltese politics.

Adrian Delia has now located that he has a heart throbbing in his bosom and it is bursting with love for fellow men, all men, no matter their race or colour because these are “vulnerable persons” and Malta must rise to its obligations even though we are one of the smallest countries in the world.

What wonderful sentiments! What a man standing high above all men! A real saintly hero in human form!

So the PN in a matter of a few years has veered from:

  1. Harshly criticising the Prime Minister when he initially mooted the possibility of a “push-back”;

  1. Diving the other way when the Prime Minister quite rightly said Malta will honour its international obligations and began to accept the landing of immigrants in its rescue zone as well as making arrangements for them to be relocated;

  1. Making the most of racist hatred by accusing the Government of being “weak” and allowing the country to be continually invaded;

  1. And now suddenly, another massive turn, this time boasting of a big heart, raving and ranting about “moral obligations” and the need to “help” all those “vulnerable”.

Just simply amazing and unbelievable. The sheer hypocrisy is really and truly beyond all belief.

God help this small nation should such a man become its Prime Minister and such a Party once more be returned to Government power.


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