MOAN, MOAN, MOAN – PN way ahead in the Maltese ‘Gem Gem’ stakes – continual groaning but no alternat
Over the 150 years of sojourn in Malta and Gozo, the British certainly made one very accurate observation when they labelled the Maltese nation as being ‘Maltese Gem-Gem’. They concluded that whatever you do where the Maltese are concerned – they will always moan and groan and find something to moan and groan about.
I noticed this contrast during my many years living in England.
In England, in the morning you may meet an elderly person, hobbling in pain and looking the worst for wear and tear. Nevertheless they will wish you a hearty “Good Morning” and if out of courtesy you ask them how they are they will say “Oh fine thanks; bearing up. It’s a beautiful sunny day. Enjoy it”.
Come across any Maltese in the morning and ask them how they are and they will release a whole catalogue of ills and woes about their problems, their pains, because the washing machine has broken down and because they had an argument with a neighbour that very morning,
The PN clique has an affixation they are God’s chosen leaders of this country. They have been placed there by God and only God may displace them – not the votes of people, not the Labour Party – but God.
Contemporary leaders Simon Busuttil and now Adrian Delia have an equal affixation they MUST lead the country for Malta and Gozo to make any headway in anything.
Well, if in nothing else, Adrian Delia and the PN clique have established themselves as outstanding leaders in one particular field – that of moaning and groaning. They are the veritable, undisputed Leaders in the Maltese Gem Gem stakes!
They moan and groan but NEVER offer solutions to anything, symptomatic of their total mental ineptitude.
Yesterday was a typical example and case in point. According to the PN, because a number of immigrants were being exploited and rented horse stables that had been illegally converted into accommodation, this underlines the Government has no long-term immigration policy!
So what is the PN long-term policy on immigration? NOTHING. Yet, they could have suggested any of the following alternatives:
As their Dar Centrali has become a useless appendage it could be converted into residential rooms and handed over to immigrants free of charge.
They could have suggested the Curia vacates their premises and this too be handed over for immigrant accommodation.
They could have suggested that as Dr Beppe Fenech Adami lives in a villa with a large garden and swimming pool he converts the garden and pool into accommodation for immigrants.
Yet, nothing of the sort; just blame the Government and offer no solutions.
A number of NGOs are almost in the same bracket as the PN. Because the Government yesterday enforced the Law they burst out with a whole catalogue of moans and groans that now the immigrants have nowhere to stay; that the Government has offered no suitable alternatives; that Open Centres are not a solution.
Their suggested solution? NOTHING. The important aspect is to moan and groan.
Perhaps the Government may consider renting The Hilton as alternative accommodation? Perhaps the Government should evict Maltese families from Government flats and hand these over to immigrants?
Indeed – Maltese Gem Gem. Just moan and groan but never suggest any alternatives or solutions. The important thing is to belly-ache all the time.