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This is the news by idiots for idiots

I am not a lawyer and I do not have a legal brain but can somebody please explain to me how, according to the “Times of Malta”, a “Landmark” EU Court ruling could “impact” Malta’s Judicial system when this concerns Poland having lowered the retirement age of its Judges?

Now, I know this is a newspaper printed by idiots for idiots, a newspaper that backs non-starting no-brainers like Simon Busuttil, described by his very own brother-in-law as being “holier than thou” who thinks he is way well over and above the rest of the mudpack in the intelligence ladder; however a man who has been continually rebuffed by the Courts for the meaningless, time-wasting cases he has taken to Court – BUT, how the hell does this EU Court Ruling “impact Malta’s Judicial System”?

Has Malta tried to lower the retirement age of Judges? NO – so what the heck?

Super-brain Busuttil quickly jumped on the bandwagon and tweeted:

“Today’s historic judgment of the @EUCourtPress will shape the future of the judiciary in #Malta too. Our Prime Minister has FULL discretion to appoint, promote and reward judges and ABUSED his power to capture the judiciary. We too DESERVE an independent judiciary. @repubblikaMT”

I see – so according to this Buzu, the judiciary has been “captured” – the reason perhaps he has been told time and again that his cases are foolish and frivolous time-wasters. Our Judiciary is not “independent”.

Naturally, the buffoon organisation ‘Repubblika’ chipped in with much the same nonsense

Anyway, the usual lies and rubbish spewed by idiots to please and appease idiots.

Now, this is the one and same crowd who first crawled and bawled for the Venice Commission and then voted AGAINST the very first recommendation of the same Commission when proposed by the Government, the same crowd that opposed the appointment of new Judges so they continue to perpetuate the clogging up of the Judicial system and leave the same situation as described by new Judge Depasquale who said Malta has too few Judges per head of population – far less than the EU average.

According to “The Times” of idiots for idiots “Maltese rule of law campaigners hailed the decision as a landmark judgement as it laid out the level of judicial independence expected in all EU countries, and the applicability of EU law in such matters.”

Rule of Law campaigners? Surely, not the same people who tried to hijack the Great Siege Monument to occupy it with rubbish? Not the same crowd who gathered in front of the Police Depot and threw tomatoes and squashed fruit against an effigy of the Police Commissioner? Not the same crowd who want to perpetuate the lies and falsities in Caruana Galizia’s Egrant Report?

Wonders never cease.


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