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The Nationalist Party Mandate – the Government of a FEW people, by a FEW people, for a FEW people

US President Abraham Lincoln described democracy as the “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”

Over the years of accrual of wealth and money and the consolidation of total power as being a God-given grant of their right to command and govern, the Nationalist Party has restructured this to read as the “Government of a FEW people, by a FEW people, for a FEW people”.

Since being booted out of Government in 2013 and consequently being booted here, there and everywhere, a Fascist-tendency clique around which the essence of the Nationalist Party rotates (I think you will understand better and clearly if I define this as the ‘Daphne Caruana Galizia clique’ of the elite and privileged), has unleashed every kind of strain of venom to inflict maximum damage on their own country and on their own people for having had the audacity to boot them to Kingdom Come.

This maximum damage has not been restricted to within the home borders but has been exported internationally in attempts to lure and corrupt others into inflicting international damage.

The death of DCG provided an enormous boost, a death to be glorified, manipulated and profited by to provide further gunpowder and to inflict even greater damage and to attempt to totally eclipse all the harm and damage that the said DCG piled on her own country and those who blocked her continuing path to power and her continuing to manipulate drastically incapable people like Simon Busuttil, Jason Azzopardi, Beppe’ Fenech Adami and others within the clique.

The same hate and venom propelled the same clique to present sham organisations like “Occupy Justice” and “Repubblika” as well as to inspire the creation of a website called “The Shift” which purportedly boosts the campaign to “Help us defend press freedom”.

Press freedom you may ask? Freedom to report the truth or freedom to lie, manipulate and continue to spread hate and venom in desperate attempts to regain lost power?

I browsed through this site and came across “a blog” (these people love “to blog”) written in December by somebody purporting to be one Ryan Murdock who unleashed a battery of stomach-wrenching bile against the country, the Government and the people as a whole.

Assuming this Ryan Murdock actually exists and assuming he is a British expatriate who has chosen to come and scavenge-feed off our Maltese resources here, may I suggest he takes a taxi to the airport and takes the first of many flights on offer back home to his own country?

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat last week urged that Malta be cleaned of all the existing rubbish over the next five years. Seeing the back of scavengers like Murdock and so-called “expatriates” like him would be a tremendous start and boost to the campaign.

One of the questions he asked was related to Malta’s EU Membership and he asked “But what does it contribute to the EU?”

Well Murdock, we contribute our financial share apportioned to our size as the smallest state in the EU. We have also contributed thousands of years of history to European culture and heritage and when your British ancestors were still running around in loin cloths we were already experiencing the beginnings of culture and civilisation.

Our bravery during the Ottoman Siege of 1565 and our gallant stands in WW1 and WW2, incurring the loss of thousands of lives received the testimony of a George Cross Award for Bravery from your own country in 1942, stands that helped enable Europe and the people of Europe to live in freedom from Fascist cliques.

So Mr Ryan Murdock, kindly take my advice; there are hundreds of taxis available and lots of flights for wherever you want to go to. You would help the “Keep Malta Clean” campaign and the Maltese people will benefit by having one scavenger less to feed and sustain.


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