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The writing is on the wall for the PN – but they are not reading it!

The Bible tells us of the story of the Babylonian King Belshazzar who threw a great feast for his 1,000 lords but while feasting a mysterious hand appeared and wrote words on a wall that nobody understood.

Daniel was brought in to interpret the words and he interpreted them as a message to Belshazzar that God had given Nebuchadnezzar greatness as a gift but when Nebuchadnezzar began to abuse that greatness through arrogance, God threw him down.

This was the message for Belshazzar. That same evening, the Babylonian King Belshazzar was killed and his Kingdom taken by Darius the Mede.

Hence, since then, down through the many centuries, the expression “the writing is on the wall” has been used to signify a situation where an issue has reached a point of desperation and the outcome may be fatal.

That is the situation of the Nationalist Party today, Monday, 10th June, 2019. Yes, the writing is on the wall ... and it has been on the wall for some time, BUT, like Belshazzar, Adrian Delia and the PN do not seem able to read it, or if they are reading it, they prefer to ignore it.

Former Party big-boy Joe Saliba recently gave them a clear message: there is no way the PN can aspire to win the next General Election.

The reasons are more than obvious.

How can a serious political party continue to embrace a blithering idiot like David Thake after his claim that he had “information” that 17 Black connected Jorgen Fenech had offered the PN €50,000 to stop David Casa becoming an MEP?

Let us assume this had actually happened and had actually been accepted by Delia & Co – how did they propose to stop Casa? Have him assassinated? Have him poisoned? Have him declared to be in a state of insanity?

How can one possibly plunge deeper into the depths of blithering idiocy?

This almost ranks in the same line as that other blithering idiot Edwin Vassallo who declared in Parliament that the late Daphne Caruana Galizia has now become Malta’s Our Lady of Sorrows.

How can Delia & Co and the PN continue to be taken seriously when they have such buffoons among their ranks and take no steps to expel them?

In the same momentum of idiocy, with the writing having gone up on the wall an innumerable number of times, Delia puts on a front that really the PN are all pals together but occasionally have some jollity banter between them as a means of establishing the way forward.

The real facts are that a number of factions within the PN are clawing at each others’ throats, lurking in corridors to deliver that fatal back stab to one another to take control of a Party that has long ago spun totally off its axis and is in plunging freefall.

This is the state of the Nationalist Party on this Monday, 10th June, 2019.

As he receives stab after stab, Delia blunders on, coming out with even more idiocies. Yesterday he gave indications that the collapse of apartments at Gwardamangia and Mellieha is in fact the fault of the Government and “responsibility” has to be assumed.

This from a Party who when in Government are being accused of allowing substandard cement to be used in the structure of a national general hospital and to boot also providing a waiver to the Consultants relieving them of all structural damages!

The writing on the wall goes on, and on, and on ... and the hand that writes continues writing ...


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