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The election of even ONE Nationalist Party MEP would be a damning stain and blemish on the people of

I have always assumed that most people are of normal intelligence and the most manifestation of this intelligence is the ability to distinguish between that which is right and that which is wrong.

To try and make political gain out of a brutal murder is tantamount to plunging into the deepest of the deep of political despondency, dishonesty and total charlatanism – not once, but TWICE.

First, there was the murder of Blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia which is still under investigation and in which connection three people with a well-known criminal record have been indicted under the accusation of her murder.

However, the Nationalist Party clique seized the opportunity to plough in a political dimension with such assertions that political responsibility has to be carried; that investigations are not being carried out adequately, together with ever possible assertion that can gain populist popularity.

This is the maximum of dishonesty. However, as Caruana Galizia had political connections and as she insulted and hurt scores of people, there may perhaps be some logic in asserting that a political dimension may have been involved in her murder.

HOWEVER, there is now a SECOND exhibition of despondency, dishonest and charlatanism over the murder of the Ivorian immigrant Lassine Cisse Souleymane, a murder that does NOT have even the slightest of political connections.

The Nationalist Party Leader Adrian Delia who masquerades as its Leader when the whole world knows he has minority support of fellow PN Members of Parliament but probably has the majority support of PN followers who are disgusted by people like Simon Busuttil, Beppe Fenech Adami, Jason Azzopardi and others, has been squirming and oozing at every opportunity to try and gain some sort of populist base.

With this in view, he has come out with some blithering idiocies – and the latest is this one, a stream of blithering idiocy that has been taken up by people like Fenech Adami and his assertion that somehow Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is responsible for the murder and that political responsibility has to be carried.

May I ask this blithering idiot how many murders took place under his father’s lengthy Premiership and when was political responsibility taken for any of them? Is every murder, whether racial, domestic, financial, anger, the responsibility of a Government administration, the Police, the Armed Forces and in particular, the Prime Minister?

As if this were not enough a severe dose of nonsense, Delia follows up with even MORE blithering nonsense.

“Could this killing have been prevented?”

Sure, and what does he suggest? Perhaps having a Police person stationed in every road, lane and alley in Malta 24/7? Maybe the Government Cabinet should carry out a 24/7 road patrol led by the PM, the Minister for Justice and the Minister for Internal Affairs and including all Government MPs. Perhaps Delia can offer his services to take part in this patrol.

What a blithering idiot.

Yet, and yet, more idiocy follows. Why and how were the two soldiers accused of the murder recruited into the AFM?

Perhaps he can suggest a set of questions during the interviewing stage for soldiers and Police persons, such as:

“If engaged do you have in mind killing black people, foreigners or any other people by gunning them down in the street at night?”

“After joining the security forces do you intend to embark on a career of theft, burglary and criminality in general?”

“Has your father, your grandfather, great grandfather and any forbear over the last 500 years committed a criminal offence?”

Honestly, how more crassly stupid can one get? This is so much nonsense it is hardly possibly to believe such assertions could be made by a rational human being.

HOWEVER, what is really disturbing is that there are people who sit and stand around listening to such nonsense, nodding their heads and applauding!

Now, I can understand political party loyalty with such thoughts as “I have always been PN and I will remain”; “All my family are PN and I follow”; “I will NEVER vote Labour as a point of principle”, etc.

All well and good; but should this be taken to the incredible point of sheer, crass stupidity when you fully know that your representatives are blithering idiots, thick-headed and crassly stupid that no matter what they blurt out one still applauds them, supports them and votes for them?

In my mind, even if ONE single Nationalist Party candidate is elected as a member of the European Parliament to represent Malta and Gozo it will be nothing less than a damning stain and blemish on the people of Malta and Gozo.


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