The ONLY person facing abortion is Adrian Delia himself – after 25th May, a big kick in the pants!?
The number of times that Adrian Delia has fallen flat on his face is beyond counting. That is over and above his continual squirming u-turns, his lack of grasp over his own party and his failure to take any action over those continuing to jeopardise his own position (an endless list running from Simon Busuttil, Jason Azzopardi, Toni Bezzina, David Casa, Roberta Metsola, Francis Zammit Dimech, Hermann Schiavone, Kristy Debono and now, Pierre Portelli himself, etc).
He is sitting on a Pandora’s Box and when he opens the lid all kinds of evils spring out, not to mention him always staring into Medusa’s face with a tangle of snakes leaping out to bite him.
Now, with nowhere else where he can seek refuge he has lapsed back to the days of his PN fore-grandfathers, wasting his time on religious and moral issues – factors which were the saving grace of the Nationalist Party in the past but nowadays cut no ice with anybody – not even the elderly!
Primarily he started off by rattling the “Socialist” sword which has been a dead duck in the water for decades and nowadays has totally no significance. He continued with sermon pontificating about how the Government is “deteriorating Christian values”. Occasionally he comes out with bouts of xenophobism and contradicts this saying the PN is fully in favour of Schengen, rubbing in doses of racial colour discrimination while simultaneously he planned to make Malta the centre of immigration refuge.
For a while he tried his hand at economics but fell flat on his face so often, he seems to have taken this off his menu except to scream the Government is not doing anything for anybody, that the reason for widening roads is to bring in more cars and that everybody is gasping for breath and breathing poisonous air.
Now, it seems only one final alternative is left – abortion, another dead-in-the-water duck over which both parties have repeated time and time again, they will not legislate abortion.
This is not even an issue – for one very simple reason. Whether there is abortion or not THERE IS NO OBLIGATION TO UNDERGO ABORTION; IT IS NOT, REPEAT, NOT, COMPULSORY.
Even if abortion has or had been legislated, it is a matter of choice and conscience. Government legislated tax is compulsory; abortion is not. Government legislated Law and Order is compulsory; abortion is not.
So why all the fuss and the hullabaloo? Obviously, this is a pure alarmist fall-back as everything else has miserably failed and this will fail too. Before he brought this out of the cupboard, it was rarely a subject for discussion because this is 2019 and the world has moved on.
Reviewing all in all, the PN has been suffering through nonexistent leadership for the last ten years. Lawrence Gonzi was the worst and most indifferent Prime Minister the country ever had; his successor Simon Busuttil was a horrendous catastrophe suffering two record debacles at the polls and now Delia is already floored before he started.
As things stand, yes there may probably be an abortion – following 25th May Elections, Adrian Delia’s political career may well be aborted – with a big kick in the pants!