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Plunging into the rock-bottom depths of absurdity – we are no longer men and women – we are now “per

We are now steadily but surely plunging into the cellars of absurdity, drowning under a plethora of bureaucrats and bureaucratic organisations, all clamouring to be heard, all anxious to make their mark while notoriously claiming foul play and discrimination when they are ignored – as most should be – and extending this to claims of dominated institutions, rampant corruption and God knows what else.

Do we know how many so-called Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) we have in the country? It’s probably beyond count and per capita the highest ratio worldwide. They spring up like mushrooms. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can form a little clique, declare they are against peanuts being shelled because this is an environmental hazard and in no time at all they are holding protests and bleating that the Courts of Justice are corrupt.

Where to start? Let me begin here.

Yesterday, the “Malta Independent” reported the headline ‘Person injured after falling off ladder at Sliema”.

The report that followed stated, ‘A person – the Police did not give the gender – was injured after falling off a ladder at an establishment in Sliema, the Police said’.

And why did the Police not give gender? This has now been ongoing for several weeks, slipping from bad to worse to absurd. As far as I can gather pressure has been placed by various groups on the Police (a) not to supply the media with the names of those involved in incidents and now, apparently, (2) not to mention the genders of those involved!

I had been noticing this for some time now in relation to incidents that are public, happen in public and about which the public has a right to know.

Previous reports used to read (the names are totally fictitious), “Driver Joe A. Borg (38) from Qormi was grievously injured in a car collision driven by Tony B. Galea (48) from Vittoriosa on the Coast Road etc’.

This then changed to, ‘A 38-year-old man from Qormi was grievously injured in a car collision in a vehicle driven by a 48-year-old man from Vittoriosa, etc’.

Now it has become ‘A 38-year-old person from Qormi was grievously injured in a car collision in a vehicle driven by a 48-year-old person from Vittoriosa, etc’

What follows now? Are we likely to read reports as follows:

‘A person of unspecified age from an unspecified locality was grievously injured in a car collision in a vehicle driven by a person of unspecified age from an unspecified locality in an unspecified place. The nationalities cannot be specified. An unspecified spokesperson from the Police said ... while an unspecified spokesperson from an unspecified hospital said ...’

Where the hell are we heading? Can things get more absurd?

What is even more ridiculous is that in any case arraignment Court case reports give full details, names (unless there are very specific reasons such as child protection in cases involving children) and details of the crime/s committed.

Are we about to see the end of that too?

This is all heading for the creation of generations of human robots with no working brains but programmed circuits that must be obeyed.

One other aspect that seems to be increasingly occurring - various organisations, including foreign and international, plague the media that the Police “have done nothing” to arraign the instigator of the death of Caruana Galizia. In similar vein there have been more recent accusations “the Police have done nothing” to find the murder/s of the poor Ivorian who was brutally murdered.

What do these idiots imagine – that the Police Commissioner waves a magic wand and Merlin the Magician steps off the magic carpet and reveals all the details and all the names?

That is, UNLESS Merlin himself has been robot programmed in which case his reply will be “the instigator is a person of unspecified sex who cannot be named for political correctness reasons, whose nationality cannot be specified and whose motivation cannot be specified either”.

Yep, we are scraping the very, very bottom.


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