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Yet even more bluff and nonsense from Adrian Delia? Has he become Malta’s “DEL-BOY”?

Adrian Delia (above) - Malta's new "Del-Boy"? Wheeler-Dealer Derek Trotter ... "Del-Boy".

The BBC sitcom “Only Fools and Horses” has over the years won international acclaim as a brilliant comedy series in which market dealer Derek Trotter – more lovingly known as “DEL-BOY” – wheels, deals, squirms and contrives to create situations from which he can profit.

In Malta, we have our very own Arc of Wisdom at the end of the Rainbow – you will immediately realise I am referring to Adrian Delia of course – who has come out with his latest outburst of wisdom when addressing a handful of people in Attard.

His estimates show him the country is “losing” €750 million annually through “corruption” and the Government should act so that such a sum be devoted to pensioners and those paying high rents.

Great - however, may I ask him how he came to reach this conclusion to achieve the precision of this total of €750 million?

Presumably he has “insider” information about this and I hope and trust he has not just invented the figure as the first thought that came into his head – “Del-Boy” style!?

Based on this “insider” information perhaps he may care to inform us of the elements that are contributing to amass this corruption. More importantly as the Leader of the Opposition has he given a detailed analysis in Parliament pinpointing this “corruption”?

Is he prepared to reveal the persons and entities involved in carrying out this “corruption”?

It is of course his Constitutional duty to do so and by not doing so he is breaching the Constitution and equally failing to exercise his moral responsibility towards the Republic of Malta, towards good governance (for which I think he is responsible within the PN having removed this from Simon Busuttil) and of course towards the people of Malta and Gozo.

ABOVE ALL, if he has “insider” knowledge of this “corruption” that has enabled him to come to the sum of €750 million, has he made official reports to the Police for them to take immediate action and bring the criminals to justice?

No – then he himself is committing a criminal offence by not reporting and therefore being an accomplice to criminality and in turn, being part of the corruption chain.

I don’t want to hazard an alternative to all of these unanswered questions, but could it be that perhaps Dr Adrian Delia is, well ... not being truthful and that he just invented this figure?

Ummmm ... I leave you to judge but it seems to me that in Adrian Delia, Malta has its own version of “DEL-BOY”!


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