The PN – A Party dominated by nit-wits for nit-wits. Their latest nonsense – Malta has failed econom
NOTE: This was originally posted on Thursday, 28th February, 2019.
I have long ago formed the opinion that any semblance of a thinking brain within the Nationalist Party has long ago skipped off the rails and has submerged underground or perhaps in the current weather, underwater. More likely, it has become enshrined in the frozenness of an Ice Age.
What I can NEVER figure out or accept is their belief that the people of Malta and Gozo are so stupid they will simply believe anything. This perhaps was formulated by their having fed the population with bullshit for a period of 25 years. More meaningfully, they simply failed to realise that by 2013 the thinking population had seen through all this bullshit and gave them a hefty kick up the backside and did the same more emphatically in a further General Election.
Even that did not sink home and they have merrily carried on following the same path to self-destruction. In short, yes, a Party dominated by nit-wits for nit-wits because anybody, but anybody with even a semblance of brain will wisely steer very clear of them.
Their latest piece of drivel was propagated by their propaganda machine NETnews yesterday which came out blaring with the headline:
“KONFERMA LI L-GVERN FALLA: Rapport Ekonomiku li jagħti ċamata oħra lil Muscat” – A confirmation that the Government has failed; an economic report that once more admonishes Muscat.
What absolute, sheer, unadulterated rubbish of the first degree! EVERY, but EVERY international economic rating agency has clearly given the Malta Government an A or A+ rating for years now; the EU Commission publishes statistics that show Malta’s economy to be the best among EU States; the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have heaped praise on Malta’s economic forward surge.
Some PN sources would have us believe that such glowing reports are the result of Finance Minister Professor Edward Scicluna “bribing” these international organisations to give Malta glowing reports!
Naturally enough, the reports have always been conditioned by a warning saying that such a surge may not be sustainable in the coming year.
The brilliant brains at NETnews have grasped on this like a drowning man clutching at the proverbial straw and came out guns blazing that this is absolute proof the Government has failed, is bankrupt and everything has gone down the drain.
I have a West Highland Terrier pet dog at home named Kellie. Even she knows the simplest and most basic rule of economic performance – that growth and excellence cannot be maintained for ever and that after a period of success there is always a drop in sustainability – which is what every Government has to plan for.
According to NETnews, the “failure” is based on:
The cost of living will continue to rise. Really? My, my – I guess it never rose under PN Government – not even when they crucified everybody with exploded energy rates.
The pressure on our infrastructure is continuing to rise? Really? Well yes, there are more vehicles on the roads, more companies working, greater demands for electricity and water and a technology explosion. Who would have thought this means greater pressure on infrastructure!
Government expenditure has exploded. Really? Surely not because of Professor Scicluna’s bribes? No, more likely on education, social welfare, environmental matters, pensions, road improvements etc.
There is greater risk of increased National Debt? Really? This has been annually reduced since 2013, the Government is annually returning a surplus and each Budget is accepted by the EU – unlike PN times.
There is greater need of investment in the environmental sphere. Really? Sort it out!
A plan is needed to guarantee pensions? Really? Maybe just like the PN plans for pensions during their 25 years of total incapability and laziness in which their ONE AND ONLY solution was to increase the age of eligibility?
Early school leavers are on the increase. Really? I wonder when this actually started and whether virtual full employment has anything to do with it, the lure of earning money overcoming the lure of further studies.
Honestly, how can they be so crassly stupid? It beggars belief – is beyond belief even.
What a bunch of morons and what a disaster for the country to be saddled with such an inept and totally negative Opposition.