Were MISCO bribed to provide these statistics – or are they just plain dumb? Who is telling lies?
According to our highly enlightened, sharply intelligent, massively progressive, incredibly humanitarian and unassailably united (according to Robert Arrigo who must either be living in Outer Mongolia or Afghanistan) Nationalist Opposition Party - anybody who praises, supports, sympathises or speaks truthfully about this Government is either:
Has been bribed
Has been given direct contracts
Has been promoted
Has been placed in a position of trust
Is being blackmailed
Is a Labour Party stooge
Much of this is due to Professor Edward Scicluna who apparently has a massive money purse and is being constantly charged by the PN of bribing international rating agencies, the EU Commission, the National Office for Statistics, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund etc for all their economically positive reports about Malta and Gozo.
So, I now revert to MISCO. Are these corrupt; have they been bribed; have they been given direct contracts; have they been placed in positions of trust; are they being blackmailed; are they Labour Party stooges?
Earlier this week, MISCO presented the results as part of the Eurobarometer Survey that had been commissioned from MISCO by the EU to register the National “feel good” factor. This is how one news media reported:
“96% of the Maltese interviewed as part of a Eurobarometer survey say that in a general way, they are satisfied with the life they are living, this figure being 13% higher that the European Union average.
“In a presentation on the survey which was carried out in November among 502 respondents living in Malta, MISCO International Director Lawrence Zammit, the author of the report on Malta, said the results probably reflect the sentiment and positivity of the Maltese economy, which is creating a feel good factor.
“The survey shows that 95% of the Maltese say the economic situation in Malta is good or very good, the highest in the EU, whilst 87% of those interviewed responded that the current situation in Malta is good or very good, with the average among other EU citizens regarding their views on the situation being 50%. Regarding the public service, 82% of the Maltese interviewed described it as good.”
Lawrence Zammit went on to say that the Maltese have now joined the Scandinavia zone of Sweden, Norway and Finland in reflecting the positivity of their home country.
BUT, hang on a minute – how can this be?
The Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Nationalist Party, Adrian Delia, together with his cronies, is touring the country saying that thousands are homeless and living in cars, garages and in fields; that many thousands are dying of hunger; that nothing has been done for Malta and Gozo; that everybody is locked up at home because they fear going out because there is no Law and Order; that nothing has been done on roads and that in general, chaos and poverty is everywhere.
Comparing the two, that is the MISCO Report and Adrian Delia and cronies’ assessment, the two situations are diametrically opposed.
Somebody is telling BIG LIES and somebody is being DISHONEST.
Have MISCO been bribed? Is this all down to Professor Scicluna once more?
Now I have known MISCO mentors Joe Zahra and Lawrence Zammit for many, many years and they have always struck me as being professional persons, intelligent, upstanding, and have a lot of integrity and honesty. We do not agree politically – but so what? That does not disparage, denigrate or deny the truth.
I have also known Professor Scicluna for many, many years and will vouchsafe for his capability and honest integrity to my dying day.
So – who is lying?
The truth is that Adrian Delia and his cronies are a down and out bunch of conniving liars – people who desperately crave support and attention they will do anything to attract it.
And yet, and yet, these are the same people who present themselves as being an alternative Government.
What a horrendous situation for a democratic country to be in.