ADRIAN DELIA – NOT EVEN THE SLIGHTEST SHRED OF CREDIBILITY – just mingling with people will not rest
Oh no – Adrian Delia does it again!
Adrian Delia went to Gozo last Sunday to address the usual handful of faithful adorned in front of him – many of them the usual inner circle of Clyde Puli & Co.
He classed Prime Minister Joseph Muscat as being “a dangerous man” and as having done absolutely nothing for Gozo and Gozitans to the extent of not having even expended €1 on Gozo.
In his early morning Sunday stupor he must have overlooked Saturday’s media news that the day before Ministers Chris Cardona and Justyne Caruana announced a €10 million investment in the Xewkija Industrial Estate.
Either that or the figures of the numbers of people suffering dementia (estimated to be 6,000) include him among them. That is highly possible because he also seems to be unaware of – or have forgotten – that Gozo had a record summer of Maltese and foreign tourists and indeed throughout the year and that statistics today show that economically, Gozo is performing better than Malta!
He also seems to be unaware of the increasing job opportunities being created in Gozo, the packed cultural programme that Justyne has launched and the constant Gozo Tunnel development.
Prime Minister Muscat is indeed “a dangerous man” – but the ONLY danger he poses is to the Nationalist Party because he and his faithful colleagues have shattered it into a thousand pieces so much, that nowadays it is the standing joke of the day.
Any mention of it in civilised society and eyebrows will go up, followed by deep sighs and exhortations that “had we better not go down that road?”
What amazes me is how Adrian Delia can continually spout incredulous nonsense and believe he can get away with it. Is it possible that he is living so far up in cloud cuckoo land?
Perhaps he thinks that popping up in all sorts of places and “mingling” with the people cause them to forget all his assertions – or perhaps believe them? In any case, his only attendees are always a handful of people and mainly made up of his own entourage.
However, and above all, his outstanding failure is his lack of command and moral fibre to deal with people like Simon Busuttil, David Casa and Roberta Metsola who are continually harming the PN by trying to inflict maximum damage on the country and its economy.
For example, how can he sanction that once more Casa and Metsola will be PN candidates in the MEP elections when they are continually denigrating their own country? Casa has now tried to modify all this by posing as “a people person”, caring about paternity leave and the people of Gozo. It’s too little, too late Mr David Casa; or as William Shakespeare wrote “what is done is done and cannot be undone”.
Only yesterday, Delia’s prime tormentor Simon Busuttil once more tweeted that his country’s Government is “lying” even though the Government categorically repeated it has never had any connections with Cambridge Analytics.
This Busuttil is a man who will believe any Tom, Dick or Harry who invents and fabricates anything (including foreign entities like the British Government – even though this has become a standing worldwide joke).
It is ALWAYS the Government of his country that is lying and the foreigners are always right.
Now, to make the situation even more macabre, not only is the Nationalist Party in fragments, the Alternattiva Demokratika seems to be heading down the same path with a slanging match between Carmel Cacopardo and Arnold Cassola.
Yes, indeed, Joseph Muscat is a “dangerous man” because he has wreaked havoc among all his opponents!