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JESUS CHRIST MAY HAVE DIED ON THE CROSS ON CALVARY HILL – but today he has many resurrections busily

Our religious history and beliefs tell us that Jesus Christ died crucified on the hill on Calvary to save us and to save the world.

Over 2,000 years later we are often told “what sort of world would Jesus Christ find if he were to come back?”

Well, he has no need to worry. His words and actions have not been lost. In fact we have scores of would-be fraudsters who are constantly telling us what we have to do for our salvation.

Take this Sarah Clarke who represents some sort of journalistic fandango called “PEN” and who took it upon herself to lecture our Foreign Ministry delegation in Morocco on what we should do and should not do. Like many other so-called “journalists” of her ilk representing two-bit organisations like ‘Authors Without Frontiers’ and other joke organisations, they are out “to save the world”.

Many of them are so juvenile they have just dispensed using nappy wraps and have nappy rash all over their bottoms!

Recently we had another clown who came to Malta at the invitation of another joke organisation ‘Occupy Justice’ to lecture us on how we should save ourselves and the world.

Her solution was to stand in front of the Court building so as to shout and scream “F**k Off Justice Minister Bonnici” and “F**k You Minister Bonnici”.

Yes, these are “the saviours” of the modern world and all took their lead from one Julian Assange who set out to save the world by hacking US Intelligence, stealing the information and publishing it to the delight of those countries that are US enemies and enemies of freedom and democracy which they have severely exterminated for scores of years. I believe he is still under diplomatic asylum as he is wanted in Sweden for sex-related offences.

Such is what “saving” entails and with it comes “liberty” (that is do what the hell you like but then be quick to pass judgement on others) and “freedom of expression” (that is tell as many lies as possible, harm, damage, vilify and create hate against people you don’t agree with).

In Malta of course we have our own heroes and heroines who want or wanted to save us. One was the late Caruana Galizia who “saw crooks everywhere she looked”. However, she seems to have missed out on looking closer to home into those who for example make false income tax submittals, fail to pay tax and – worst of all – use false documents and signatures to try and frame a Prime Minister and his family.

The late Caruana Galizia also failed to take a good inward look into the political party she aspired to command to do her bidding. I am sure a good look would probably have further inspired her to elaborate on the “crooks everywhere” theme.

She is of course another resurrection of Jesus Christ but has so far only reached the status of being re-labelled “Malta’s Our Lady of Sorrows” by PN Member of Parliament. Edwin Vassallo, another aspiring “saviour”.

There are of course others. Take a certain Father Joe Borg who aspires to wear the vestments of a priest of the Roman Catholic Church but whose inward venom and bile are devoted to his political aspirations to continually denigrate the Labour Party while extolling the virtues of the Nationalist Party.

This clown in the guise of priesthood is at Vatican liberty to write and broadcast exactly as he pleases with all the Church leading prelates conveniently looking the other way in the classic “hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing” style.

What the hell is he anyway – a man of the cloth or a man of the pen? I use the term “man” loosely ...

The list of Jesus Christ resurrections goes on and on. We have Simon Busuttil for example, constantly informing us that although there are many who wish him to come to harm, he will carry on fighting “the good fight” for what he terms to be “truth and justice” – I hope this is not referring to Egrant!

Jason Azzopardi is another “saviour”, dispensing bile and suspicion on anything that is Labour inspired, while we have an emerging Jesus Christ in Manwel Delia with his Occupy Justice and Republic, organisations that are out to save you, me, Malta and the whole wide world while inspiring the adoration of the one who used false documents and signatures to frame up an innocent family and continually damage the country and its economy.

In his case, I believe there really was divine intervention – an intervention that saved us from the Arriva catastrophe that he vested on Malta.

Thank God for that!

By the way, today is Republic Day, the day that Malta REALLY became independent and for the very first time in its history had a Maltese person as its Head of State and was for the first time in control and command of its own destiny.

That was down to Duminku Mintoff. He did not aspire to be a resurrection and he did not aspire to save the world. BUT he certainly saved Malta and set the economic and social basis it has today.


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