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THE MORE LIES YOU TELL AND THE MORE FRAME-UPS – the greater chance of obtaining recognition – the EU

I have a piece of tremendous news for all media journalists, bloggers and social media contributors.

I have it officially in writing from the EU Parliament that it is perfectly in order to write lies, create frame-ups, use false documents and forged signatures because, I quote:

  • “No single act will change the deep attachment of the European Parliament to the freedom of expression and its proximity to journalists as defenders and front liners of that fundamental right.”

As no exceptions have been listed, I understand this to be totally inclusive that it is perfectly acceptable to let slip an occasional lie or fabrication because this is “freedom of expression” and the EU Parliament has a “deep attachment” to “defenders and front liners of that fundamental right”.

Well, there we are. It has long been touted that the European Union is falling apart and in my estimation this is conclusive proof that it has actually already fallen apart.

In addition if you tell lies you still merit “recognition of the work and the life” as in the case of Caruana Galizia.

How did all this come about, you may ask? The whole process was this.

When Magistrate Dr Aaron Bugeja published his conclusive Egrant Report clearly confirming that the whole Egrant saga was a pack of invented lies backed by false documents and forged signatures, I wrote to Antonio Tajani as President of the EU Parliament – close friend and colleague of BUNGA-BUNGA PARTY man Silvio Berlusconi - whether he will now change his mind and have removed Daphne Caruana Galizia’s name from the Press Room he hastily dedicated to her – in the light that it was Caruana Galizia who had initiated the whole saga of lies with the intent of framing Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, his wife and his family.

I also asked the same question to the Council of Europe and the Office of the EU Commissioner. The Council of Europe answered within a week and said it does not “interfere” in the workings of the EU Parliament (in other words the Council of Europe couldn’t care less) and the Office of the EU Commissioner has not even bothered to reply.

I waited and waited for well over a month and the reply from the EU Parliament came yesterday, an anonymous, unsigned reply from the “Citizens’ Enquiries Unit”, naturally I assume with Tajani’s approval. This is their reply:

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“Dear Mr Fenech,

“The Citizens' Enquiries Unit of the European Parliament acknowledges receipt of your message addressed to the President of the European Parliament, Mr Antonio Tajani on the situation in Malta.

“The Citizens' Enquiries Unit of the European Parliament has been asked to reply.

“The naming of the Daphne Caruana Galizia pressroom in the European Parliament in Strasbourg was decided unanimously by the leaders of all the political groups of the European Parliament. It was done so in recognition of the work and the life of Daphne Caruana Galizia after she was brutally assassinated in Malta. No single act will change the deep attachment of the European Parliament to the freedom of expression and its proximity to journalists as defenders and front liners of that fundamental right.

“The European Parliament has also called, and will call again at every possible occasion, for justice to be made with Daphne, her family and her readers which remain as yet without an answer as to the reason behind her killing.

“We thank you for contacting the European Parliament and its President.”

Yours sincerely,

Citizens' Enquiries Unit

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I am in the process of writing back to the Unit to inform them I will give their reply and intents full publicity.

In the meanwhile, carry on inventing frame-ups, lies, using false documents and forged signatures. The more you lie and invent, the greater chance of becoming recognised, having halls named after you and a niche with your picture, flowers and candles.

That is the European Union that was, as it stands today.


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