The people of Malta and Gozo gave their verdict last year during the General Election; they did so of their own free will, according to their judgement and they implemented these with their feet by going to Polling Stations and entering their verdict in writing by voting.
Not knowing whether a number of horrendously dirty and vile allegations could be proven or disproven, they based their verdict on their faith and belief in Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, his family and the Labour Party – and voted them resoundingly into Government, again.
Now, their judgement and verdict has been verified and justified by the result of an Independent Magisterial Inquiry that has shaken Malta and the rest of Europe. The allegations about Egrant were lies and fabrications – a dirty plot to destroy Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his family.
What happens next?
The people expect.
I am a Citizen of Malta and a Citizen of the European Union and Community. I pay my taxes, obey the Law and I therefore have a RIGHT to expect that those who have been guilty of wrong-doing to me, my Government and my country have to carry the responsibility and to face the verdict of the satanic fabrications that were assiduously planned and implemented to damage me, my Government and my country.
And what do I expect?
I expect the IMMEDIATE resignation of ANTONIO TAJANI as President of the EU Parliament. Without bothering to check all facts and study all situations, he hurriedly sped to the EU Parliament and declared a Hall to be named after the late Daphne Caruana Galizia, if not the fabricator but certainly the instrumental propagator of the alleged satanic lies.
It is now his responsibility to REMOVE the name from the EU Parliament Hall and to immediately RESIGN his position. He is not fit to be President of the EU Parliament.
I expect the IMMEDIATE RESIGNATIONS of SIMON BUSUTTIL, DAVID CASA, ROBERTA METSOLA and ANA GOMES as irresponsible politicians for their part in promoting and the propagating of the satanic lies – without bothering to verify their veracity or otherwise.
Further for ANA GOMES for having pronounced her doubts as to the veracity of the Maltese Judicial system, an insult not only to Malta’s Judiciary but a slur on the country as a whole. This was also a slur on the EU, the EU Judicial system and the EU Court of Justice.
If she does not resign voluntarily she should be suspended and dismissed as a Euro MP. This was a monstrous attempt at a frame-up not only against the country but against an innocent man, even worse against his family, over and above damaging the country as a whole.
In my opinion this was if not the vilest and dirtiest of attempts ever mounted in the history of the EU, it is certainly one of the vilest and dirtiest, aimed at destroying the reputation of a country’s Prime Minister and even more scandalous, involving his wife and two young children.
Last but not least, when is MARIA EFIMOVA to be extradited to face criminal charges of fraud and now further loaded with accusations propagating lies and propagating false accusations?
The people of Malta and Gozo wait and expect.