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PLOUGHING THE SAME FURROW OVER AND OVER – if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again – and kee

Reading the so-called Opposition Nationalist Party (all the fragments and factions that is), is like reading the same book over and over again. You know what the next chapter will be, the next paragraph, the next sentence, the next comma and full stop.

This is a Party (?) that during five whole years has not come out with one single positive idea, one proposal; not even one thread that indicates any hope.

The only strategy has been dirt, dirt and more dirt.

Their major pillar has now been thrashed with the effectiveness of having a rug pulled from under your feet. The whole evil, malicious and satanic plot against the Prime Minister and his family has collapsed in a heap of internal acrimony – as the PM had forecast it would having warned them it would explode “like an atom bomb” over the PN – which it did.

To try and hobble up and mark time, big deals are being made about the “full” report not being published – as if this will make any difference. What do they expect – the report says the Muscat family is guilty and invested millions in Egrant but then the conclusion is they did nothing of the sort?

How moronic do these people think the electorate is by treating them as an electorate that will swallow anything you put to them?

Nevertheless, if you don’t succeed at first, try and try again and keep trying.

So now the guns revert to firing at Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi because “nothing has been done about them” – mind you, while Inquiries are still proceeding.

Should these be exonerated too, then turn on Chris Cardona, and after that on Evarist Bartolo, and after that Edward Scicluna, and after that Jason Micallef, Ronnie Pellegrini, Toni Zarb and on and on and on ad nauseum.

If all else fails, there are other resorts and resources, like reporting that the Prime Minister’s chauffer was seen picking his nose, that while on a visit to Brussels the PM bought a chocolate ice cream out of public funds, that Jason Micallef blew his nose while strolling past the Valletta Mayor and on and on it goes.

The beauty of it all is that the so-called “PN Leader” Adrian Delia is often in the forefront of all this sickening drivel, YET he still has the Executioner’s Axe hanging over his neck after all the accusations thrown at him by the late Daphne Caruana Galizia, allegations that have neither been proven nor disproven because Dr Delia – unlike the PM and Egrant – has not taken one step to put them to independent test.

One may ask – why not?


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