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WHO SET IT UP? – Amazing contortions and manipulations – incredulous comments

Since the result of the Magisterial Inquiry was published last Sunday, I have refrained from Blog commenting. The amount of venom and fireworks hitting the skies has been astonishingly shattering – as have some of the comments.

Although it is now clear the whole Egrant scam was an attempted frame-up on the Prime Minister, his wife and their family and close acquaintances, a number of people have shown a total lack of humility and have failed to use the magic word “sorry”.

According to former PN Leader Dr Simon Busuttil, by propagating the story he did no wrong because he was only “doing his duty”.

WRONG Dr Busuttil! Your responsibility as Opposition Leader at the time, as Leader of the Nationalist Party at the time, as a responsible citizen and to boot a qualified lawyer, YOUR DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY was to check, ascertain and be sure that all the facts were genuine and appropriate – before blurting everything out to all and sundry.

Did you do this Dr Busuttil, or did you just rely on the say-so of the late Daphne Caruana Galizia? Surely, as a lawyer, you should be one of the first to know that a Court of Law does not rely on HEARSAY and HEARSAY is not admissible evidence.

Your sense of DUTY should have been to (a) ensure the National Interest (b) to be loyal to the electorate you represent in Parliament (c) to ensure all the facts were real facts before proceeding and (d) take into consideration the allegations you made could character assassinate a fellow politician and his family.

Instead, your sense of DUTY was bestowed on yourself and your sole interest in seizing an opportunity to try and glamourise yourself and perhaps become Prime Minister.

So much for a sense of DUTY; to compound matters you are refusing to do the decent thing and resign from everything and hence stand to not only having lost face, but also continuing to damage your integrity and credibility.

In another amazing development half your Parliamentary Group have seen fit to back your sense of “DUTY” and have now created a schism within the PN. The contention is that because the whole of the report has not been seen, everything remains possible.

WRONG again and this is just a feeble excuse to avoid reality. As every football enthusiast will ascertain, the RESULT of the match is all that counts. The chronicle may say you were denied six penalties, you hit the woodwork a dozen times, you had a hundred chances to score – BUT THE FINAL RESULT IS THE RESULT THAT COUNTS

Although everything that Marlene Farrugia says is taken with a pinch of salt and great guffaws of laughter, in between ordering her partner and fellow MP Godfrey Farrugia to mind the stove because the stew was burning, she came out with the theory that it is the PM and his wife who should apologise to the nation!

The “logic” behind this is simply astounding! So I am the one that is vilified, pilloried, dirtied and character assassinated, but when the final result shows I am totally innocent, it is I that has to apologise! Wonders never, ever cease.

Now let us move to Dr Simon Mercieca, a Senior Lecturer at Malta University with a PhD to boot and loads of other qualifications. Appearing in a special edition of the programme “Pjazza” he opined that the PM is “a lucky man” and that everything has come up roses for him.

The reason? - the conspiracy was actually aimed at ruining the bank but resultantly, it is Dr Joseph Muscat who has emerged as “a lucky man”. And why “lucky” – because the result has boosted his European ambitions.

So what is Dr Mercieca actually contending? Let me use my imagination. Somebody had a ploy to ruin Pilatus Bank. The Muscat affair was wangled in to aid and abet the ploy for the bank’s ruin but in the end everything turned up trumps for PM Muscat.

So maybe Dr Mercieca, it was Joseph Muscat who planned to ruin the bank, cast aspersions on himself knowing there was no real proof or evidence and finally, everything swung in his favour and now his EU credibility has been boosted.

What a ploy! What genius! William Shakespeare himself could not have come up with such a plot. Simply amazing.

And there we have it. From all of these, not one word of apology, not one word of regret, no sense of shame that in their country there are those among us who contrived to plot and execute such an evil and cowardly plot that initially caused tremendous harm to the country’s reputation, put the country at economic risk and, as Ms Michelle Muscat rightly stated, have scarred a family for life no matter the positive finality for them.

Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna please note the quality of “Christian sheep” in your flock – including yourself who as far as I can gather has NOT expressed one word of sorrow or remorse.


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