“The damage being done to Malta and its financial sector by the persistent propagation of pernicious
This is the opening paragraph of an article written by Paul V. Azzopardi in the 24th June edition of “The Sunday Times of Malta” titled “BESMIRCHING MALTA AND ITS FINANCIAL SECTOR”
Azzopardi is a much-respected figure in the financial world and financial investment. He holds a First Degree in Accountancy from Malta University and an MBA in Business from the University of British Columbia, is a Fellow of the Malta Institute of Accountants, is a Certified Public Accountant and a BoV Director.
In the article he does not mince his words and there is little doubting his qualifications and expertise in the financial field.
As with Martin Scicluna recently he has felt he just cannot stand aside any longer and continue to watch and experience the harm and venom being directed against the Government which in turn is harming the economy, the country’s standing and the welfare of its citizens – harm that is being instigated and implemented by a number of Maltese individuals themselves. These are in turn enticing foreigners to jump on the band-wagon to continue piling on harm.
These are certain foreign politicians who, according to Azzopardi, “magnify the specks in our eyes while hiding the planks in theirs, sometimes hailing from countries riddled with tax loopholes, corruption, criminal organisations, fiscal irresponsibility and price tags hanging from official documents fluttering in the ill-wind they bring”.
There is no doubt in my mind as to whom he is referring!
There is also no doubt about the whole sordid origins of this “berserk crusade” which has now become a dangerous and treacherous obsession to ruin the country and its people at all cost.
“But it is one thing seeking and publishing facts, and perhaps joining plausible dots, and quite another to blow up every issue, paint skeletons in every cupboard, self-servingly accept innuendo, and then go forth and incessantly present these mental constructs as facts beyond a reasonable doubt to all the world, leveraging the distribution powers of modern global media to the detriment of your country’s reputation”, Azzopardi writes.
This vile and berserk crusade is aimed at crippling the financial and gaming sectors, denigrating Malta’s financial institutions and thus causing widespread damage to Malta’s economy and its people.
After reading the article, I also read the comments mainly from the usual crowd that highly contribute in causing this damage, some using their own names but some, I am sure, using false names to hide behind the stones they throw and thus remain anonymous.
According to these, the entire fault lies with the Government when this is a Government that has attracted massive investment, has turned an eternal deficit into a surplus, has created virtually full employment, has reduced poverty and has promoted and propagated increased social welfare (and all these are recorded by Eurostat statistics).
Indeed, a berserk, insane and treacherous crusade being relentlessly perpetrated by some who have directed their hate and venom against their own country and against their own people – and for what?
Clearly to satisfy their own hate, out of envy and to try and regain their political footing, lost as a result of bad governance and bad administration over many years.