CRUNCH TIME IN BRUSSELS TODAY – PM Joseph Muscat, stand firm against the Italian bullies and the “le
Our Prime Minister Joseph Muscat faces the “Mother of all Battles” this morning in Brussels when he comes face-to-face with EU Bureaucracy on an emergency agenda to discuss current immigration complexities.
It’s of course many, many years too late and well after all the damage that had to be done has been done, still, nevertheless, it is finally happening.
The country has to thank Opposition Leader Dr Adrian Delia for pledging his full support for the Prime Minister in the issues at stake. It is also a ray of hope that at last the country has a Leader of the Opposition that is intelligent and aware of sensibilities although unfortunately there are still those around him who are trying to pull the rug from under his feet irrespective of consequences the country may be facing.
Their agenda is not intelligence and sensibility but a lust for populist political power and political gain.
Some of the members of the new Italian Government, particularly Scavolini, are continuing to throw their weight around to gain populist approval at home and to show their “strength” as bullies by picking on the EU’s smallest state. That is how bullies operate. They do not pit their strength against anybody their own size and weight but pick on the small fry.
This is akin to a super heavyweight boxer climbing into the ring with a featherweight opponent to punch the stuffing out of him and then claim to be all-powerful.
I have no doubt that PM Muscat will not be impressed and will not flinch at the arduous task ahead. Getting the EU Bureaucracy to actually do something is another matter. Brussels has done absolutely NOTHING over the years to tackle immigrant issues – except to pussyfoot around, hum and haw and then finally conclude that after all it is only the countries which are fronting the immigration brunt that have to deal with the problem.
So much for “united Europe stands together” and “We are One” and the so-called “One Market” – all of which are proving to be meaningless platitudes.
Euro MPs like Ana Gomes have not shown any concern about the issues involved. Gomes is a typical example, being breastfed and propelled like a robot by local sources to try and create as much damage to Malta as possible.
Her latest panic-mode shrieking are allegations of crooked Schengen issues by an official at the OPM.
Let me clarify this. If the allegations are true, then those involved should be given the maximum punishment that legislation allows for such a criminal offence – and there are no two ways about it. However, is there need to go screaming all over Europe about this?
Why do not people like Gomes and those accomplices that stand with her congratulate Malta for being in the number of leading countries that have accepted most immigrants per head of their population, as published in UN statistics?
Why do they not congratulate Malta for strictly sticking to and acting within international regulations in the incidents involving the ships Aquarius and now Lifeline?
So, dear PM Muscat, stand firm and fight for Malta. Stand up to the Italian bullies and keep plugging at the EU Bureaucracy.
A vast majority of the country is solidly behind you. You carry our hopes and our prayers that common sense will prevail.