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HOW TO BE BRAZEN-FACED – and still try to appear as being normal

As if it were not bad enough having to listen to a battery of Adrian Delia lies, twisted information, suppositions and dollops of alarmism every blessed Sunday, there is unfortunately no respite because all his henchmen around him and the PN in general are walking in the same footsteps.

I rarely watch television debates or discussion programmes because they are a complete waste of time, nothing comes out of them and it’s a continual barrage of gestures and all speaking at once. Thankfully, I have finally discarded Xarabank entirely, no matter who appears in it and no matter the subject. From top to bottom it is a total fake.

Being an early riser I switch on my tv, normally TVM, and occasionally see a repeat programme from yesterday and this morning tried to sit through ‘Realta’, which like ‘Dissett’ and ‘Xtra’ COULD be a good programme, depending on who appears in it and them.

There was the usual flurry of gesticulation and shouting, all four guests speaking at once, making it largely unintelligible. The two PN representatives were Jean Pierre Debono and one Justin Schembri.

In Debono’s case he appeared to be subdued, no doubt still weighed down by probably the stupidest decision that a politician has taken when he gallantly gave up his Parliamentary seat to provide it for Delia, a decision which I do not doubt he is still regretting and one he will regret forever.

However, this Justin Schembri (pictured above – note the 2016 PN electoral slogan under which he stands – ha, ha) left me reeling in amazement. According to his judgement the three PN MEPs in the EU Parliament are “not traitors” and “they are not doing anything to damage Malta”.

Well, I’ll be blowed! I mean it’s all very well to make such statements when you are among friends who nod and agree with you but take it all with a pinch of salt. But to make such a statement in public – and on television!

You have to be truly brazen-faced to come out with such an outrageous utterance for which in Maltese we have several statements one being “wicc infurrat” and the other “wicc imcappas bill-****” – which I will spare you the embarrassment and discomfort of translating as it will spoil your breakfast, or lunch, or whatever.

The late Daphne Caruana Galizia dismissed Delia’s two immediate henchmen as David Agius being “a non-brainer” and Clyde Puli “a free-loader”, grabbing every opportunity going that offers considerable money but little endeavour.

Yesterday, Agius totally wasted Parliamentary time by repeating ad nauseum the Government is using ARMS to “rob” families in electricity bills and thus creating the 70,000 or so stricken by poverty as claimed by his mentor Delia.

Again you have to be brazen-faced to cite a system that was after all created by your own political party when in power a full four years BEFORE this current Government thankfully took over the country’s administration.

However, the most irksome problem is not that such people as Schembri and Agius blatantly lie – the great problem is that they think everybody else is universally as stupid as themselves and actually believe and swallow such muck.

That, I find insulting.


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