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ARE THEY REALLY SERIOUS – or are they just spouting a load of rubbish to have something to say?

I dare say that very few actually bother to analyse what some politicians pontificate on every weekend in their attempts to win political points. Consider this last week-end and what the politicians of one faction of the Nationalist Party spouted to the public.

I say one faction because nowadays one cannot describe the PN as a “whole” but one has to specify which faction of the PN one is actually referring to. In this case I am referring to the Adrian Delia clique because the other factions have slumped into a temporary silence following the close death-escape of Traffic Policeman Schembri after they have spent months inciting the people against the Police Commissioner, the Police in general and overall the Rule of Law.

There were two main speakers from the Delia clique, Deputy Leader David Agius (by the way, in passing, what’s happened to Clyde Puli – described as a “no brainer” and a “money/freeloader” by the late Daphne Caruana Galizia – since the Mater Dei Hospital revelations as he had a leading part in the project?), and the clique Leader himself, Delia.

In essence, they informed the handful of people gathered around them and the public in general that:

  • According to David Agius the €55 million project to ease traffic congestion in Central Malta is a waste of money and is probably the brainchild of a Labour Government Minister wanting to bypass traffic in Attard;

  • According to Delia, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is “stealing money out of people’s pockets” as a result of the overcharging of consumers by crooked energy bills; that all economic performance claims (most of them verified by EU statistics) are faked and untrue; and that when his small faction of the PN is returned to Government, all the “stolen” money will be repatriated to consumers.

All I can say – simply unbelievable, a load of bullshit and rubbish – an insult to normal, average intelligence.

Do these people really believe the general public is swallowing all this drivel and rubbish? It is all so transparently imbecile that it makes one totally unsure of whether to cry out loud or to burst out laughing. How can people who are supposed to have a modicum of brain actually come out with this total nonsense?

If I were in their shoes and came out with such utter thrash, I would make a beeline for Dingli Cliffs and take a running dive onto the cliffs below.

However, there is still a very serious side to this. Where does our Democracy stand when this so-called Opposition faction is the only current alternative to the current Government?

Boy, we are desperately in trouble and this is a matter of great concern when the only faction that is supposed to keep a regulation check on Government administration has such limited brain-power as to come out with this total nonsense?

It is simply beyond belief that a country which boasts of the acumen and brain-power of its people in general should have such trite idiots at the helm of a faction of the Opposition Party.



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