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THIS PROGRESSIVE GOVERNMENT UNCOVERS LAYERS OF IGNORANCE – astounding number of morons in our commun

Let me state quite clearly, I AM NOT in favour of abortion and have always approached the subject with caution. I VEHEMENTLY disagree that as a result of sexual excess for pleasure and lack of protective precaution the ultimate victim should be a foetus.

However, I am willing to concede that some cases are worth consideration and are highly debateable – but again, this is an area I would consider with great caution so as not to create a side-door entry for abortion.

Still, that is not my theme for today although undoubtedly the overwhelming vote in the Republic of Ireland in favour of abortion has dealt a great blow to our right wing element because Eire and Malta were always considered as the most Roman Catholic countries in Europe – and now Ireland has gone.

My theme is that this Government’s progressive forward planning has uncovered swathes of ignorance that sweep across our community – and this is highly disturbing to find so much ignorance in a country in the year 2018.

For example, the Government’s pro-life amendments to the IVF legislation have been twisted to portray that this is a move to introduce abortion. Shameful to consider that people like Simon Busuttil are of the opinion in this highly technological and technical era that unless you have been favoured by God or nature, then zip it and grin and bear it.

Even more shameful to consider that the Nationalist Party has clung to this pro-abortion invention in order to try and make political gain. But then, what can one expect from a party that has even adulterated the death of a woman blogger to try and register political gain?

However, after that introduction I will get to the point.

The recent clamour over the last two or three days has been the announcement by the Mater Dei authorities that there is to be an introduction of healthy food and drinks on hospital premises for the benefit of patients, staff and visitors while in addition, setting the example of the positive side of living healthily.

This is what one would expect from a decent hospital.

HOWEVER, some of the comments show the astounding ignorance we have around us.

Take the height and epitome of ignorance - that is the PN newspaper “In-Nazzjon Taghna”. Their banner headline accused the Government of using healthy living as an excuse to be “miserly” with the food of patients! This is a Government that introduced free child care; a Government that gave back money stolen by the PN Government in the purchase of vehicles; reduced electricity tariffs imposed by a PN Government to make the people pay through the nose for an oil commissions Mafia that was skimming the population.

However, the ignorance goes beyond that too. Spot interviews with members of the public expressed some views that “this is an imposition on liberty and freedom because I should be able to eat and drink what I like”. Another comment stated “if I can’t buy what I want in hospital I can go outside and buy what I want”.

Well, well – but the whole point is that if I go to a “stop smoking clinic” I do not expect to find doctors and staff running around puffing cigarettes and offering them to all and sundry; if I go to a doctor to try and cure my alcohol problem I do not expect to see him with a bottle of Scotch on his table while he is sipping a glass of rum.

Hence, if anybody is expected to promote a healthy lifestyle and healthy consumption it SHOULD by the hospital – obviously, but not so obvious for a swathe of ignorant morons.

In passing, I note that “The Times of Malta” has embarked on a policy of “revealing” that X spent so much on mobile calls; that the PM’s wife enjoyed three state-paid trips with her husband; that Y has used so much toilet paper that Z has been engaged at a salary of – whatever.

One can see the whole point of course – that being to try and steer away from the many millions of euros that were stolen off the tax-paying public in oil commissions and Mater Dei construction by trying to compile a profile of “current Government excess” and “making hay while the sun shines”.

The cheek is their assuming public ignorance to swallow such bait when their whole ploy is so obviously transparent. They are the morons, not the public.


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