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HOW TO PERFORM U-TURNS AND BE A HYPOCRITE – and still keep a straight face

With all statistics plainly showing otherwise, one of the PN Leaders, Adrian Delia, put on his saintly weekend clergyman’s face and cloak to make his usual announcements that the world is coming to an end in Malta – because in his estimates there are now about 60,000 people hovering in poverty, people are living underground because they cannot afford rents and everybody is having to work long hours just to stay alive.

It is unlikely this will have made any impression being the usual claptrap and nonsense and anyway, public attention at the moment is focussed elsewhere.

What is currently in focus is the astounding U-Turn and Hypocrisy of the Nationalist Party and the reversion to Nazism and Stalinism shown by the Dominican Order of Friars in Malta in bullying and harassing Father Mark Montebello to ensure he zips up his mouth and thus prevent him from speaking and writing the truth – an even further reversion of 700 years or so to the days of The Spanish Inquisition.

Now, let’s call a spade, a spade. You have to have a face that is plastered with thick dung and gutter drainage to keep a solemn and straight face and now declare we should honour and obey our Police Forces when over the last six months you have been implementing words of acidic vitriol to blacken, denigrate and denounce the same Police Forces.

Even in yesterday’s sermon, Delia could not resist inserting that people are living in fear and are locking themselves in their homes, meaning Law and Order are not functioning and by the same token therefore, our Police Force is virtually non-existent...and this comes after just a few days from a horrendous incident that left a traffic policeman in extreme danger of death and after last Saturday’s Police support demonstration.

This campaign has consisted of a constant montage primarily aimed at personally damaging the Police Commissioner, continually painting him as a “stooge” in the Government’s hands as well as a constant slur campaign against the Attorney General – classed to be another Government “puppet”.

The Police have been continually ridiculed for “doing nothing”, a former PN Minister stood up in Parliament and said a Policeman had tipped off the alleged killers of Caruana Galizia before they were arrested (giving them time to destroy evidence) – an allegation that was vehemently denied by the Force and the Policeman himself.

The Commissioner was continually insulted for attending a ‘fenkata’ when presumably he should have been out with his bloodhound sniffing around for clues; his picture was displayed outside the Police Depot and activists of so-called Civil Society (in actual fact a rag tail and motley ensemble of disparate individuals still steaming from losing privileges under PN administration) were urged to trample over his picture and plaster it with rotten tomatoes.

Now, all of a sudden, the villains instigating all this have become holy, sanctimonious saints, wishing the Police Force well, attending Saturday’s support demonstration and kow-towing to the forces of Law and Order.

An edition of a recent “Nazzjon Taghna” actually had the affront to blaze a front page headline screaming “Nobody has a right to denigrate the Police”. Astoundingly unbelievable!

How is it possible to overnight make a complete 360 degree U-Turn and still overnight become a pronounced, resounding, shameless hypocrite? All this, while maintaining a straight face to give the impression of being goody-goody upstanding citizens with a profound love and respect for our Police Forces and Law and Order.

Are Civil Society and Occupy Justice going to stage demonstrations supporting Father Mark Montebello? Another priest, Father Joe Borg, is not a man of the cloth; he is a man of unadulterated political activity and stood behind a picture of a young girl holding up a placard saying “fuck the Police” while he smiles, surrounded by a bevy of female admirers.

However, it seems that Borg is over and above Canon Law and has the right to do exactly as he pleases.

What is even more astounding is that this motley crew of pirates have the amazing cheek to project themselves as the people this country needs to lead and administer them because they have a ‘God-sent’ right to govern, a right bequeathed to them by their Almighty God.


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