The scholarly academician Martin Scicluna has once again expressed his views of truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in yesterday’s “Times of Malta”. The article was strong, justified and outright and spared no punches.
Quite simply, once again, he pilloried Malta’s treacherous clique beyond redemption for all the political and economic damage they have caused and are causing their home country and its people.
The article did not go down well with lawyer Andrew Borg Cardona, one of the eerie props of ‘Occupy Justice’. Harnessing all his literary brilliance, in a tweet he classed the article as “Żibel” (‘Rubbish’), possibly while frothing at the mouth and possibly while choking over his banana that he apparently loves to eat.
To compare Martin Scicluna with Borg Cardona is like comparing Albert Einstein to the village buffoon – still, never mind that and let’s go to the subject matter.
In the opening paragraph Scicluna recalled his previous two articles and opened thus:
“My last two articles dealt with the current state of Maltese politics in which I highlighted the hypocrisy and cant that drives the pseudo-political grouping calling for what they define as “truth and justice” in Malta following the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia” – a clear reference to so-called “Civil Society” and “Occupy Justice”.
However, that was mild stuff in comparison to the lashings he gave to David Casa, Roberta Metsola and Francis Zammit Dimech, the Members of the “damage Malta” faction of the European Parliament. He wrote:
“But three PN members of the European Parliament have shown no compunction about painting Malta as a country that does not respect the rule of law. Instead of representing Malta’s national interest abroad, they have sought to undermine it.
“They have traduced Malta’s international reputation (while simultaneously staying silent about the undemocratic attack on the rule of law in Hungary by Fidesz, a party in the same political group as PN in the European Parliament).
“It is perfectly legitimate to attack a country’s rule of law if the criticism is rational and grounded in evidence. But attempting to justify a notoriously poor Euro-parliamentary report, which MEP David Casa instigated and led in all but name, declaring it was “a political conclusion, not a judicial one… The evidence is… conclusive, politically conclusive” is not.
His greatest critical lashing torpedoed and sank beyond trace David Casa:
“Casa is unique in being a parliamentarian who is ignorant of the pivotal role of the rule of law in all liberal democracies. Tangible proof of wrongdoing, not politics, is one of the basic precepts of the rule of law. In Thomas Paine’s words, “The Law is King”, not politics.
“But so far as Casa and his delegation of Euro-parliamentarians are concerned, the fundamentals of the presumption of innocence, the need for impartiality, the right to fairness – which should be at the very heart of any parliamentary report about the rule of law – can be ignored provided they think the evidence is “politically conclusive”.
I do not agree entirely with this because in my opinion David Casa is not merely “ignorant of the pivotal role of the rule of law in all liberal democracies” – he is in general an all-round, comprehensive ignoramus and very much matches Simon Busuttil in this.
Scicluna also slated Jason Azzopardi for his Parliamentary attempt to derail the Compilation of Evidence against the three persons facing criminal charges for murder as well as the Caruana Galizia family for withholding the laptop imperative to the investigation.
Clearly, Martin Scicluna wrote all that the majority have been saying and repeating time and time again, criticism dismissed by the “pseudo-political grouping” who class all those that do not agree with them as being highly ignorant and below their high dignity.
However, ‘the elite Establishment’ has been shaken to the core by Martin Scicluna because the PN and this grouping had hoped that Martin Scicluna, with all his degrees and qualifications, would be “one of them” and above the pile of rubbish that make up the country’s overwhelming majority.
They are arrogant, ignorant, treacherous and dangerous beyond all possible belief.