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It takes no legal brain to deduce where things may probably be heading.

Primarily, a background scenario; the “bicca blogger” Daphne Caruana Galizia, dubbed so by Adrian Delia, was blown to smithereens; this presented an opportunity for hyenas and jackals to home in and make capital of an incident and an opportunity to make political gains out of this tragic event.

The first option is to resort to the Rule of Law and the Course of Justice to possibly reveal the truth; the second option is to fall in line with political gain so as to fudge all attempts and thus disable the Rule of Law and the Course of Justice by creating all kinds of disruptions, consequently leaving everything pending and giving the opportunity to keep pointing political fingers for political gain...infinitely.

Now, let us extend the second option to a further scenario.

SCENARIO ONE: Simon Busuttil was a controlled sycophant and a programmed parrot who, while breaking into his daily breakfast boiled egg and a couple of pieces of toast would read the latest besmirching contribution by DCG and after going through his fake keep-fit superman performance by jogging or cycling Vladimir Putin style (wrestling with bears, climbing mountains, plunging into ice-cold rivers) – regardless of the fact that many see him as a first class wimp - would then go on air and repeat word-for-word everything that DCG had written.

SCENARIO TWO: The Caruana Galizia family intends to extend the possibility that DCG is, was, a political victim because she “revealed” skeletons in cupboards and is therefore a political “martyr” – a stance that has earned her the title of Malta’s heretical “Our Lady of Sorrows” and a load of meaningless awards that sound impressive but are in fact virtually non-consequential.

Now, how does one go about exploiting such a situation?

OPTION ONE: Busuttil is still frothing at the mouth after being booted out by the PN rank-and-file from the party Leadership who opted for the non-entity Adrian Delia as his replacement. Instead of taking this in good grace as the result of his two colossal electoral defeats and his overall ineptitude and resounding ignorance that reduced the PN to a “has-been” party, he is showing resistance to keep an open attitude that somehow, some way, somebody among his opponents (in the PN as well as the whole of the PL) will still continue to be lumbered with the accusation and suspicion of responsibility for the murder.

This stance was given a helping hand by his bosom-colleague Jason Azzopardi with allegations in Parliament (but NOT repeated outside Parliament) that the three accused were “tipped off” before their arrest and that this therefore prejudices the compilation.

OPTION TWO: Who actually wants to know the truth? The Caruana Galizia family has acted in a manner which indicates it is best to retain everything pending and not actually get to the truth. This has resulted in various stunts, the most dangerous of which has been to refuse to hand over the latest laptop she was working on. Any criminal investigator will interpret this as being a direct action to block a thorough and serious criminal investigation.

Naturally enough, this massive loophole has not gone unnoticed by the Defence Counsels of the three accused and now one of them, Alfred “il-Fulu” Degiorgio has presented a legal recourse maintaining his “right to a fair trial” is being breached because this laptop has been withheld and the blame has been laid mainly on the Commissioner of Police and the Attorney General.

Degiorgio is maintaining the laptop may contain evidence which would clear him of all accusations by indicating the “real” murderers/murderer.

So we watch and wait. Are people like Simon Busuttil and the Caruana Galizia family perhaps beginning to feel they are on the road to a Mission Accomplished?


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