THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT SIMON BUSUTTIL – if you have a problem, that is what God and Nature in
The people of Malta and Gozo have much to be thankful for – so much that perhaps even we may miss acknowledging it, or at least, all of it.
One of our greatest benefits for which we have to be eternally grateful is that Simon Busuttil has never qualified to be Prime Minister, and the way things are going is never likely to be. This in itself merits a regular vigil of gratitude with candles and flowers (that’s become the trend nowadays).
The statements that this jackass of a would-be Prime Minister has made from time-to-time have often left many people speechless. Now he has topped them all with his latest piece of philosophy, the Gospel according to Saint Simon Busuttil!
In this new Gospel, Saint Simon has taken it upon himself to portray God – or at least his own God - and to relay this message to us poor, ignorant earthlings.
The message is that if you or your partner are infertile, or perhaps both are infertile, and cannot have children, then that is what God and Nature have intended, and that’s that. Humanity should not resort to scientific or technological means to alleviate this situation.
In other words, if you are in this situation, PUT UP, SHUT UP and ZIP IT!
Now, to my mind, this fully underlines the type of person that our Saint Simon is and the way he views the rest of humanity. It is the ultimate in elitism that is typical Nationalist Party style and is fully reflected by this party as a whole.
The other attitude is reflected by the person uncomfortably occupying the PN Leadership, Adrian Delia, who has been blessed with five children and is totally indifferent to those that cannot have children. It is the “I’m alright Jack” attitude and so “f**k” to all the rest of you.
Now, let me project the message that Saint Simon Busuttil gave us in Parliament yesterday. By the same score:
If you have offsprings that have Down’s Syndrome or Autism, bad luck because that is what God and Nature intended so, PUT UP, SHUT UP and ZIP IT!
If you are born with disability impairment it is because that is what God and Nature intended and so neither you or anybody around you should do anything to alleviate the situation so, PUT UP, SHUT UP and ZIP IT.
If you are born poor and I am born rich, that is what God and Nature intended so, PUT UP, SHUT UP and ZIP IT!
If you are the victim of an earthquake, or a tsunami or a volcanic eruption, that is what God and Nature intended so, PUT UP, SHUT UP and ZIP IT!
Need I go on?
What an elitist, totally selfish and indifferent message given by Saint Simon Busuttil yesterday.
I am not one who prays very much, but I hope that God will hear my little prayer – God forbid that such people will ever be in charge of the ways and means and the future of the people of Malta and Gozo.