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TIME TO NAME AND SHAME – the public has a right to know who these brats are

Look at the face of this young man. He is Matthew Caruana Galizia and his face speaks volumes to those who are capable of interpreting facial expressions and body language. Look at the cold, unemotional, indifferent-to-everything eyes; look at the arrogant curvature of his lips and the designer stubble. Yes, it is a face that speaks and says volumes, the face of an elitist looking down on the common herd, all of whom are classed as “idiots”.

If I remember rightly some years ago he was caught on camera telling ONE cameramen to “fuck off” because they were filming his mother, the late DCG. This was on camera, on air but at the time the Police did nothing against this disgusting exhibition of public obscenity by a young upstart.

Now, as a young man brought up in London, at the age of 16 I was already very politically active, a member of the Young Socialists and a member in the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). With friends I went on marches and attended demonstrations and at one time was suspended for a whole week with three other friends for wearing a CND badge at school.

The story appeared in all the national newspapers like “The Daily Mirror” and needless to say, at the time my late father was furious with me – with great reason because he was then stationed at the Whitehall Air Ministry (a great honour for a Maltese RAF Officer who handled the transport of nuclear armaments)!

Risks were also involved because unlike today, the Police were rough and tough and there was not one shred of human rights and the right to speak out and the only rule was to “shut up and do as you are told”. We attended Neo-Fascist rallies in Brixton and Trafalgar Square and hackled the Fascist speakers – at the time Brixton was not a place to joke about in because of high racial tension.

During one CND rally in Trafalgar Square I had my trousers completely stripped and ripped off me by a Policeman – and had a lot of explaining to do to my late mother when I eventually returned home clutching the shreds of my trousers around my legs. I told her it had been ripped because I had encountered a nail in a fence!

The whole point is – we were sincere, lads from working class and middle class families who already had a large social conscience.

Can the same be said for the rabble of between 10 and 15 young idiots who last week had the affront to actually hackle our great Maltese tenor Joseph Calleja, Malta’s Cultural Ambassador because he was participating in an event in honour of Malta and the Malta Government?

Now, Joseph Calleja has never, ever uttered one single political word on any subject. He has won international fame and acclaim for himself and for his country, Malta, and is being classed in the heights of Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo.

This heap of rubbish also hackled Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his wife, shortly after he was heaped with profuse praise by Commonwealth Leaders for his chairing of CHOGM 2015 and described by British PM Theresa May as having achieved “incredible success” in giving the Commonwealth a new lease of life.

So – who were the individuals in this dirty and treacherous rabble? My guess is they are from the “elitist” pains-in-the-ass that pollute this country and normally hail from areas such as Sliema, Swieqi etc, speaking a painfully ridiculous mixture of Maltese and English (preferably English of course) and whose “daddies and mummies” are all well-to-do and look down on all others. They are of course also “Nats” (i.e. PN) and look on “tal-Labour” as being below human dignity.

Are they doing this because they have a social conscience? Far, far from it; they are doing it because they are spoilt brats, brought up in luxury and see such occasions as making them hip and modern and of course, damaging “tal-Labour”.

Although some names have been mentioned on social media, the people of this country have A RIGHT TO KNOW who these treacherous Fifth Columnists are. The people also have a RIGHT TO KNOW of any commercial entities or individuals bank-rolling activities such as this and other nonsense such as dirtying a National Monument, polluting the steps of Castile etc.

Such commercial enterprises and individuals should be named and shamed and in the case of commercial activities, these should be boycotted so as to cripple their inflow of revenue.


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