WHY ARE CASA AND THE PN CLIQUE SCARED STIFF – maybe because if Efimova returns to Malta she will “si
Since the notorious Maria Efimova put her fate in the hands of the Greek authorities shortly after hearing of the toxic poison attempt on the former Russian spy Skripal and his daughter, PN MEP David Casa has gone into frantic panic mode, almost taking up residence in Greece to make sure he is alive and present to “monitor” her and what she has to say.
Why are Casa and the PN clique he appertains to (i.e. equally notorious Simon Busuttil, Jason Azzopardi, Andrew ‘Banana Joe’ Borg Cardona, Manwel Delia et al) scared stiff that this Efimova will return to Malta to face a Maltese Court where she will be arraigned to face charges of theft, fraud and the defamation of Police Officers?
Without doubt, Efimova is a loud-mouth who will sing to the tune that the piper plays (did I write ‘plays’ – perhaps it should have been ‘pays’). She has been spinning out stories and contradictions since she first appeared on the scene. She was initially posed as an important “whistleblower” but she later denied this and said she was NOT the source of information for Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Then she claimed she was “in fear” for her life after the death of DCG. Then she claimed former Police official Jonathan Ferris was “a liar” after claiming that when interrogated in Malta by the Police, Pilatus Bank officials had been present – a claim Ferris has denied and branded Efimova “a liar”. She disappeared but when Skripal was poisoned she said she was “in fear” again and sought asylum in Greece.
This was a signal for Casa to drop everything and race off to Greece to meet Efimova in her prison cell. What words did they have? What interest does Casa have in Efimova? As a Maltese National and to boot a Maltese MEP his main interest is that she returns to Malta to face Justice and the Rule of Law.
Yet no – Casa pops up again yesterday in a Greek Court to lie and claim she should NOT be returned to Malta because her life would be “endangered” and she would not “face a fair trial”.
Can a “representative” of the people of Malta and Gozo be more treacherous? Casa yesterday gave Greece, Europe and the world his opinion that (a) Malta is not a safe place (b) there is no Rule of Law in his home country and (c) by casting aspersions he has damaged the whole of the Judicial System in Malta and tarnished the name and professional experience of the Attorney General.
Is it possible for a person to stoop to greater treachery than this?
Above all, the question remains, what are Casa and his clique of conspirators afraid of if this Efimova returns to Malta to face Justice and the media?
Will she “sing” to save her own skin? For example, will she say that:
She was approached and paid to blurt certain things – or that perhaps she herself made the approach and the offer?
Will she say she was offered all kinds of “inducements” which did not materialise?
Will she perhaps say that a Russian Government “overseer” approached her to blacken the Malta Government as a kind of retaliation – that she botched everything up and is now afraid of Skripal-type reprisals?
She and those around her live in a dark and nebulous world of mystery and intrigue and I go back to the words of the great Dom Mintoff when he once said that “such people are like an octopus – when they feel threatened they eject black ink to confuse the vision and in this dark confusion, nobody knows what all the others are doing and that, conceals the octopus”.