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Of this and that … ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

I find it hard to imagine how some people can be so thick-skinned and equally thick-brained.

Some non-entity of a Dutch pea-brain called Pieter Omtzigt (presumably an MEP) asked whether the Council of Europe is to request formal explanations from the Maltese Government on “the administration’s failure to investigate evidence of money laundering by Government officials “and their relatives”, on a failure to adequately protect Ms Caruana Galizia (?) and on the protection it intends to afford to relevant whistleblowers.”

Naturally, all this muck and nonsense was planted in his mind by some David Casa or Roberta Metsola – never missing an opportunity to damage Malta as much as they can.

The “adequate protection” for Caruana Galizia has always puzzled me. What is this meant to be? That she should have had a Police squad watching over her 24/7? It is of the utmost vanity to aspire to such treatment, after all, who was she to merit such attention? According to her PN patriotic kindred spirit Adrian Delia she was just a “bicca Blogger”.

If she wrote nasty things, then that’s her problem and nobody else’s. If everybody in this country needed “protection” for something or other, we would have a population with more Policemen than we have civilian population!

Anyway, the upshot of all this was that the Council of Europe clearly replied “ZIP IT” because enough is more than enough and you are now boring the pants off us. All the conjectures are nothing more than the fantasies of those who have nothing better with which to preoccupy their feeble brain, using her death to try to achieve their own evil schemes and designs.

The C.o.E. clearly affirmed it is confident that the Maltese authorities "will continue to make appropriate use of all the means and mechanisms in place both in the Council of Europe and at domestic level and in full respect with the fundamental values and standards of the Council of Europe".

So I say again “ZIP IT” or in plainer English language “PUT A SOCK IN IT”... which is what the C.o.E actually said

It is deeply worrying that two heads of particular factions in this country are so direly brain-challenged.

Heading this duo of total incompetence is the Archbishop we have been straddled with, Charles J. Scicluna, a jumped up loudmouth who rather than “shepherding” his flock is more akin to a wolf in sheep’s clothing rampaging his flock and is creating enormous damage to the Church of Rome he is meant to represent. Single-handedly he has created a rift that is so tremendous it is difficult to see how it can ever be reconciled or bridged.

A national cry has now gone up to bring back Bishop Pawlu Cremona, Malta’s real Archbishop, a humble and unassuming man highly defined by his kindness and gentleness, a real man of the people and a real shepherd.

I find it difficult to understand how The Vatican’s Nuncio has not relayed all this back to Rome, a situation becoming graver and graver by the minute.

Whereas Scicluna has become a figure of hate and is generally disdained, the other leader – Adrian Delia – is highly humoured and lacks being taken seriously. He has a poor political grasp, is carrying a legacy that resulted in two massive electoral defeats and is clearly not in control of the political party he is supposed to be leader of.

Constantly chipping away to undermine him, he has failed to control such incompetents as Simon Busuttil, Jason Azzopardi, Beppe’ Fenech Adami, David Casa and many others all ploughing ahead with their own personal egoistic agenda and undermining his.

It is indeed a sad situation.


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