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NAME AND SHAME – time to out the country’s treacherous traitors and Fifth Columnists for the destruc

Since the 2013 General Election result and subsequent result in 2017, the diarhorretic verbal and written venom of the country’s treacherous traitors and Fifth Columnists have bombarded the media with vicious and destructive comments aimed to create maximum damage not only to the country’s Government, but to the country and people as a whole.

These are first and foremost so-called politicians like Simon Busuttil, now replaced by Adrian Delia, David Casa, Roberta Metsola and their surrounding lackey clique.

The written stuff was left to Daphne Caruana Galizia but following her demise, the mantle has been adopted by NET news connections, “The Times of Malta” and “The Malta Independent”, all scratching each others’ backs, vomiting and regurgitating each others’ vomit.

However, the real bile and venom is contained in the lackeys and hangers-on who follow up with destructive comments that, rather than concentrating on suggestions of improvement, are destructive and packed with hate and malice.

As in the case when DCG used to write, many of the names are fictitious cover names because people of this low gutter quality do not have the backbone to stand up and be counted – so they resort to covert means. Their agenda: either to give vent to hate because the country’s administration has changed or otherwise because the change has caused them discomfort through loss of influential position or through loss of further financial accrual at the expense of the people.

Week after week, it it’s not one thing, it’s another. For several weeks Delia has been making a complete fool of himself by showing his lack of grasp on the local politician situation, his lack of knowledge of salient facts, or otherwise fantasies of his own invention to try and grab a few points here and there.

After many of these attacks have made a complete ass of themselves and fallen flat on their faces over such things as the economy, the Citizens Investment Scheme, general Law and Order and the Rule of Law, this week’s agenda has turned on abortion and Air Malta.

Accusations the Government is paving the way for abortion are too ridiculous to even bother about. The Labour Party and Government have repeated ad nauseum they are against abortion but because of the religious vulnerability of a few, it has been seen as a fruitful arena of hate exploitation.

The attacks on Air Malta are more serious and more damaging. The national airline – always a target of destruction for the PN camp in all its bestial guises for the simple reason they did not have two decent brain cells to rub together to come up with and implement the concept – has been revamped and the Government has been trying to re-establish and renovate a sector that for years had been allowed to head for wrack and ruin.

This has released a new stream of bile and venom, regardless of the national consequences. Two Air Malta flights have suffered delays over recent days and this has been exploited to the full.

Now, as the whole world knows, airline delays are a commonplace agenda throughout the world engendered by a variety of reasons including technical problems, weather conditions, airport closures, security alerts, industrial actions and God knows what else.

There are hundreds of daily flights throughout the world and every minute of the day, problems occur. Only two weeks ago a Maltese family was stranded in New York because their Norwegian Airlines flight was suddenly cancelled. Over the last two weeks there have been numerous disruptions throughout Britain because of weather conditions.

During the last three days much song and dance was trumpeted because of an Air Malta flight delay from Orly Airport in Paris – naturally, reported with glee by NET News, ToM and the Malta Independent.

These are some of the comments of the traitors and Fifth Columnists printed by the “Malta Independent.”


“Spoilt? With the shit wages that we get? With the shitty roads that we have? With the most polluted air in europe? You do not live in Malta do you? The number one is the corruption that we have.”


“Muscat's fault, after all he did promise us "the best of times" (L-aqwa zmien), and with that promise comes the highest of expectations. Although in all fairness, he was promising "the best of times" just for the innermost cabal. But people misunderstood him.”

Joseph Lawrence

“KONRAD has his own people in charge and like him know very little about how to run an efficient airline.”

As usual, the targets are always the same and centre around Joseph Muscat and Konrad Mizzi.

The scrap of dead wood signing himself/herself as “politicks” has just awoken to the fact that after 25 years of PN maladministration we have shit wages, shit roads and the most polluted air in Europe! Well, at least this brain-dead individual has finally woken up!

These and many others hide behind names like these above because they do not have the balls to reveal their identity. This is what happens when one is a coward whose tactic is to throw stones and then hide behind walls.

These are Malta’s treacherous traitors and Fifth Columnists.


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