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Let’s not think politics for a change. The world is changing and changing rapidly. Going back a few decades who would ever have thought of a situation where in a male/female, husband/wife relationship, the female becomes the breadwinner and the male remains at home to clean, cook and look after the children?

I can feel my grandfathers squirming in their graves! My great grandfathers would have chosen to be shot at dawn if faced with such an option.

Now, a latest piece of research is indicating this is probably to become more of an automatic choice based on the findings of a group of scientific researchers at Norway’s Bergen University.

Apparently the lungs of females are not as strong as that of males. This resulted from a study of the lungs of 6,325 men and women over a 20-year period.

And how was that conclusion reached?

Most of the females researched carried the responsibility for house cleaning, mainly using cleaning products that use bleach and other caustic elements that cause them irreparable lung damage.

In fact, a woman carrying out house cleaning over a 20-year period, even if she only cleans the house a minimum of once a week, will sustain the equivalent damage of having smoked an average of 20 cigarettes a day for a ten to 20-year period!

Men were not affected by the same lung damage – in fact, not at all.

The remedy is obvious - all the house cleaning should be carried out by men and should be avoided by women.

So guys, start getting used to wearing those pinafores, handling those brooms, becoming versatile with the hoovering and bleaching the toilets.

This is likely to cause an enormous upheaval in male-chauvinist households as well as to the domestic arrangements of Islamic households that still stretch to extremist philosophies in the role division of males and females.

Ok, so this is light-hearted, BUT it is also a piece of research that gives rise to great concerns.

On a more very serious note, I would be willing to bet my last euro that if a study were to be carried out on road pollution in Malta resulting from vehicle pollution i.e. petrol, diesel, exhaust fumes, for those regularly on the road or living in areas of main road traffic, their lungs would equate to smoking at least 40 cigarettes a day.

Sorry, but it’s all doom and gloom today and a final thought – ‘modernisation’ has made today’s living conditions easier and more comfortable, BUT is the pollution of modernisation slowly choking human life?

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I wish you all a good day and urge you to keep smiling.


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